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question English réponse English
put out
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stop burning/extinguish
put through
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connect one person to another on the phone
put up
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to increase the price
ring back
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return a call
ring up
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phone someone
run out
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use all of sth
set off
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start a journey
set out
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start an activity with an particular aim
set up
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start a business
show up
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arrive somewhere to join uther people
sit down
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split up
commencer à apprendre
end the relationship
stay behing
commencer à apprendre
remain in a place after everyone's left
take off (clothes)
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remove clothes
take off (plane)
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start flying
take up
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start doing a job
throw away
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get rid of sth, put sth in a trash container
tidy up
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put things in order
try on
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put on clothes to see if you like them
turn down
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decrease the level or volume of sth
turn into
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change and become sth or someone different
turn off
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make sth stop working
turn on
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make sth start working
turn up
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increase the level or volume of sth
wake up
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stop sleeping or make sb stop sleeping
wash up
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wash hands/face, plates, pans
wear out
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use sth until it can't be used any longer
work out
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do exercise to get fit and stronger
wrap up
commencer à apprendre
cover sth using a paper around it
write down
commencer à apprendre
write sth on a piece of paper

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