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question réponse
zdecydować się / zanurkować / skoczyć do wody
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to take the plunge
gwałtowny spadek czegoś
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a sharp drop in something
balon zaczął opadać w dół
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the balloon began a plunge
zanurzać coś w czymś to wsuwać coś w coś / zatopić w czymś nóż
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to dip something into something is to insert something into something/to sink a knife into something
wzloty i upadki
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peaks and troughs. Life is full of peaks and troughs, isn't it? Highs and lows. the ups and downs
I'm doing most of the work at the moment, robić najcięższą robotę
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to do the heavy lifting [I'm organising my wedding, but my fiance isn't being very helpful. I'm doing all the heavy lifting. My oven is broken so my microwave is having to do all the heavy lifting at the moment.]
reasumować, podsumowywać
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recapitulate [Much of the sequel is a recap of the first film, nearly 30 minutes of retelling out of 76 minutes.
a habit you find strange, but doesn't put you off a person completely.
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beige flag [Ironing bedsheets is a beige flag for me. Why do it when you're just going to sleep in them? Martin always drinks cold coffee, even in the winter. It's a beige flag.]
od zera
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from scratch
zepchnąć na margines
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push to the margins / push to the fringes
bariera językowa
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language barrier
spędzać czas / przesiadywać
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hang out somewhere / with sb
zaznajomić kogoś z czymś
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to introduce sb to sth
odwzajemnić uśmiech
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smile back
żyć dla dnia dzisiejszego
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live for today
planować naprzód
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plan ahead
beztroski, obojętny, niefrasobliwy
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unconcerned [easygoing, light-hearted, lightsome, carefree]
opowieść o
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a story of
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little by little
sposób myślenia
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mindset [it's a problem of mindset]
poczucie wspólnoty
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sense of community
przynieść korzyść
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bring benefit
stworzyć relację
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create a relationship
osiedlić się w / zaaklimatyzować się
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to settle in
wskazywać palcem na kogoś
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point your finger at someone
to tylko gadanie / czcze gadanie
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it's all talk
stracić rachubę
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lose count
skorzystać z okazji/propozycji
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to embrace the opportunity/an offer
If an important fact hits you, you suddenly understand the meaning of it
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when I think of... the first thing that hits my mind is...
to accept something enthusiastically
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This was an opportunity that he would embrace. He has wholeheartedly embraced life in south Louisiana. embrace the culture
to use something: wykorzystywać, perf wykorzystać, używać, użyć, posługiwać, posłużyć się
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employ tool, employ weapon, employ force
employ direct marketing, employ more recycled materials
zajmować [perf zająć] się czymś
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to employ oneself in sth / in doing sth
osobisty stosunek do czegoś...
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personal approach towards sth
(include): obejmować
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worek treningowy
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punch bag
znęcanie się nad kimś
molestowanie seksualne przemoc wobec dzieci narkomania
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abuse of sb
sexual abuse, child abuse, drug abuse
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przyjąć wiadomość
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to take the news
rozwiązywać, rozwiązać (zagadkę)
nie rozumiemy, dlaczego/jak... czy wiesz, jak to zrobić?
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figure out
we can't figure out why/how..., can you figure out how to do it?
w oczekiwaniu
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in / with anticipation
(surroundings): okolica, (scenery): sceneria
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skupić się na czymś
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to set one's mind on sth (concentrate on)
robić karierę
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pursue a career
(a problem, a disagreement) not able to be solved or ended
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Generally, these kinds of problems rarely turn out to be unresolvable.
prawdopodobny, prawdopodobnie
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mieć zwyczaj coś robić / mieć tendencję do robienia czegoś
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to tend to do sth / to tend to do sth
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piece of advice
poświęcać czas [i wysiłek] by coś zrobić
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to take the time [and trouble] to do sth
wrogi, nieprzyjazny
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hostile, unfriendly
Her parents were openly hostile to me. The Nevada desert is one of the most hostile regions in America.
hostile work enviroment, hostile reception, hostile weather conditions, a hostile climate/environment, hostile aircraft/forces
być przeciwnym czemuś
not agreeing with something
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to be hostile to sth
I'm not hostile to (= against) the idea of change as such.
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involved in sth
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dishonest [in/about]
He’s been dishonest with us, and I’ll never trust him again.
a dishonest lawyer, a dishonest way of making money, morally dishonest, intellectually dishonest
an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about
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an elephant in the room
I don't want to ask the question, but it is the big elephant in the room.
zwiększona motywacja
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increased motivation
wyłącznie z powodu czegość
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solely due to sth
wziąć byka za rogi
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take the bull by the horns
ubrać się jak stóż w boże ciało
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done up/dressed up like a dog's dinner
kura znosząca złote jaja
a product or service that makes a lot of money over a long period of time for the company that sells it, often money that is used to support the company's other activities
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cash cow
The studios discovered that movie rentals were an even bigger cash cow than movie tickets.
dolewać oliwy do ognia
to say or do something that causes trouble or makes a lot of people very angry
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put/set the cat among the pigeons
wygadać się, to allow a secret to be known, usually without intending to
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let the cat out of the bag
I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Mel went and let the cat out of the bag.
bessa, time when the price of shares is falling and a lot of people are selling them
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bear market
hossa, a time when the prices of most shares are rising
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bull market
lwia część
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lion's share
doświadczenie w... / wiedza z zakresu
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experience in...
... is not really my area of expertise... it requires no expertise at all... pick up/gain/develop expertise in sth... specialist/technical/professional expertise
I have no expertise in sewing/sewing expertise. She has considerable expertise in French history.
wyrządzić znaczne szkody sprawa wielkiego znaczenia [lub wielkiej wagi]
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to do considerable harm / a matter of considerable importance
kończyć [perf s-] coś czymś
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to conclude sth with/by sth
She concluded her remarks by thanking her supporters. I’d like to conclude with a song by Tim Buckley.
wnioskować na podstawie czegoś, że...
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to conclude from something that...
We concluded that we could not afford to buy a new car. The judges concluded the same thing I did.
to have someone or something as the main or most important interest or subject
kręcić się wokół czegoś
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revolve around someone/something
The conversation revolved around childcare problems. His whole life revolves around football.
przeczyć samemu sobie
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say sth in the same breath
You say he treats you badly but in the same breath you tell me how much you love him!
If you say two things in the same breath, you say two things that are so different that if one is true, the other must be false
zaleta, pozytywny aspekt [czegoś]
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upside [of/to sth]
One upside of a slowdown in demand is that it means there is less danger of inflation.
It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that tickets are cheaper then.
... z drugiej strony...
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on the upside
The building needs some work, but on the upside it's located in the best part of the business district.
"coś zapala czerwone światło"
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sth raises a red flag about sth
to say what you think about something very directly
mówić prosto z mostu
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speak one's mind
He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.
wynikać [perf wyniknąć] z czegoś
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to stem from sth / to result from something
no longer secret / ujawniony
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in the open
Now that her feelings are out in the open, she says she feels relieved.
kształtujemy, tworzymy założenia, przypuszczenia
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to form assumptions, that/ about...
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self-mutilation, automutilation
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spór (o coś)
spór dotyczący umowy o pracę, spór o płacę, sporny
spierać się o coś
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dispute over sth
labour dispute, wage dispute, in dispute
to be in dispute over sth
wnioskować [to reach an opinion from available information or facts]
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infer [something from something]
What do you infer from her refusal? I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave.
występ skalny albo parapet
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w pełnej gotowości, by coś zrobić
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poised to do sth
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How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that? England were humiliated (= completely defeated) in last night's match.
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zobowiązanie, poświęcenie
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commitment (family/work commitments)
Can you give a commitment that...? I've got too many commitments at the moment to do an evening class. Having a dog is a big commitment.
I'd like to thank the staff for having shown such commitment. They don't want to promote me because they think I lack commitment.
komplement, odwajemnienie, wyrazy uznania
wyrazy uznania dla szefa kuchni! / za darmo
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compliment (sb on sth), reciprocation, expressions of appreciation
That was an excellent meal! My compliments to the chef / We enclose a copy of our latest brochure, with our compliments.
I take it as a compliment (= I am pleased) when people say I look like my mother. Are you fishing for (= trying to get) compliments?
zdystansowany, niezainteresowany, powściągliwy w emocjach, też bezstronny (obserwator)
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She seemed a bit detached, as if her mind were on other things. Throughout the novel, the story is seen through the eyes of a detached observer.
dodający otuchy
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I found her words very comforting. Hot soup is very comforting on a cold winter's day.
łączyć a pary (o zwierzętach) - kryć samicę, krzyżować
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Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days. Mating a horse with a donkey produces a mule.
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commited (to a job)
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detachable hood
detached from - The label became detached from your parcel
pochlebny (też bezpłatny)
wyrażać się o czymś pochlebnie
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complimentary (highly/very complimentary)
Parking is usually complimentary or included in the ticket price. As theater employees, we get complimentary tickets.
to be complimentary about sth. She wasn't very complimentary about your performance, was she? Our guests said some very complimentary things about the meal I'd cooked.
usiłować coś zrobić, walczyć o coś, zmagać się z czymś
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struggle to (verb) / for sth / with, against
For years she struggled with/against the establishment to get her theories accepted.
I've been struggling to understand this article all afternoon. Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake.
doradzać komuś w sprawie czegoś
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to advise someone ON something
cenić (to consider something important)
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to value
I've always valued her advice.
a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly
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By the time he’d finished all the household chores it was mid-afternoon. It was a real chore trying to give our dog a bath.
I'll go shopping when I've done my chores (= done the jobs in or around the house). I find writing reports a real chore
a way of starting again after a period of rest or change
zacząć coś nowego, od nowa
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press the reset button
Hit the reset button because long-term stress really can cause disease.
to make a decision to do something, especially after thinking about it for a long time
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take the plunge
They're finally taking the plunge and getting married.
doprowadzać do końca, zrealizować
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follow through
He didn't follow through with his promise to help.
założę się, że... nie byłbym tego taki pewien
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a safe bet
I bet that... I wouldn't bet on it
holding your attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive
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captivating presence. captivating smile. captivating fairy tale. captivating and unusual film.
a captivating performance Her voice was utterly/absolutely captivating.
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the quality of not being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities
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Grandma was a religious woman of deep humility.
He doesn't have the humility to admit when he's wrong. They might be very rich, but it wouldn't hurt them to show a little humility.
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When small children are tired they are more likely to squabble with each other. They are still squabbling over who will get the big office.
Polly and Susie were having a squabble about who was going to hold the dog's lead. Often relationships between family members are so strained that squabbles break out.
olewanie, nie angażowanie się [the fact of stopping being involved in something]
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disengagement [from sth]
This disengagement from social life is thought to be natural in older people, but there is no reason why it should be.
Young people's disengagement from politics is part of a wider trend.
błachy, mało ważny, małostkowy [not important and not worth giving attention to]
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a petty thief I don’t have time for petty matters like that.
Don't be so petty! Retaliating against the people who have criticized us will make us look petty.
brać na kimś odwet
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retaliate /rɪˈtæl.i. eɪt/ against sb
If someone insults you, don't retaliate as it only makes the situation worse. The demonstrators threw rocks at the police, who retaliated by firing blanks into the crowd. The terrorists retaliated against the government with a bomb attack.
obywatelski, świecki [not military or religious, but relating to the ordinary people of a country]
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civic, secular [not military or religious, but relating to the ordinary people of a country]
civil government After ten years of military dictatorship, the country now has a civil government.
Helicopters are mainly used for military rather than civil use.
ślub cywilny
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civil ceremony
We weren't married in church, but we had a civil ceremony in a registry office.
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His manner was civil, though not particularly friendly.
[z]gromadzić [to collect a large number of things over a long period of time]
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It can be dangerous to let too much soot accumulate inside a chimney. During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
We've accumulated so much rubbish over the years. A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room. If you don't go through the papers on your desk on a regular basis, they just keep on accumulating.
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Jim has a wealth of teaching experience. Russia has a wealth of coal and timber.
Some of his colleagues envy the enormous wealth that he has amassed. For a man of his wealth he's not exactly generous.
klasztor żeński
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a convent
szkoła zakonna [z internatem]
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convent [boarding] school
rozpaść się, załamać się, przestać funkcjonować
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fall apart
After his wife died, he began to fall apart.
My poor old boots are falling apart. Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair.
oblodzony, mroźny, lodowaty [wzrok, chodnik, wiatry]
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icy [stare, pavement, winds]
szlochać [to cry noisily, taking in deep breaths]
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sob [to cry noisily, taking in deep breaths]
I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she'd broken her favourite doll. You're not going to help matters by lying there sobbing!
I could hear her sobs from the next room.
konskwentny [always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way], niezmienny, stałe
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same old same old: The Italian restaurant is under new management, but it's just the same old same old.
There has been a consistent improvement in her attitude. Her work is sometimes good, but the problem is she's not consistent.
czystość [głowy, etniczna, rasowa, powietrza]
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the atrocities carried out in the name of ethnic/racial purity / the purity of her voice / air/water purity
wrócić do stanu sprzed zniszczenia, kryzysu, urazu, odzyskać zdrowie
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recover [from damage]
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koszty podróży
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travel expenses / costs
dużym kosztem
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at great expense
na czyjś/własny koszt
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at sb's/one's own expense
sztywny, surowy, skostniały, nieustępliwy
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rigid [rules, views, unyielding, person]
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odnieść się do kwestii, czegoś
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to relate to sth... [I can relate a bit to...]
przesuwać godzinę do przodu / wstecz
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spring ahead / fall back
relikt przeszłości
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a relic of/from the past
mieć wpływ na [koncentrację/ wyniki, osiągi]
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to affect sth [concentration, performacne]
oszczędzać, zachować [siły, prąd, zwyczaje]
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To conserve electricity, we are cutting down on our heating. The nationalists are very eager to conserve their customs and language.
I'm not being lazy - I'm just conserving my energy for later. He rested all morning, conserving his strength for the competition in the afternoon.
pozbyć się czegoś
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do away with something
How could they do away with a beautiful old building like that and put a car park there instead?
These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago. Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork.
ofiara śmiertelna
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a fatality
There are thousands of traffic fatalities every year. The first fatalities of the war were civilians.
wyjawić sekret, tajemnicę [to tell the truth about something that you have been keeping secret]
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come clean with sb / about sth
I thought it was time to come clean with everybody. I thought it was time to come clean about what I'd been doing.
kłamać w żywe oczy
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lie through your teeth
to tell a blatant lie
He asked me how old I was and, lying through my teeth, I said "29".
być z kimś szczery [o tell someone the truth about something] be honest with sb
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level with someone
I'll level with you - the salary's not particularly good, and there's little chance of promotion.
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mind sth, sb
Could you mind my bag for a moment while I go to the toilet?
She asked me if I'd mind the children for an hour while she went shopping.
hello! "czy możesz?" wrr [said to someone when you feel annoyed with that person for what they have just done or said]
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Do you mind? That's my seat you're sitting in!
mówić prosto z mostu
to say what you think about something very directly
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speak your mind
He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.
ściemniać, [avoiding stating the true facts about a situation, or lying about it]
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be economical with the truth
Journalists are often economical with the truth, but he is very honest. Everyone can be economical with the truth sometimes if it suits them to do so.
Anyone who tells you that this is a simple process is being economical with the truth. He is being economical with the truth when he claims this was a joke. Politicians who claim any different are being economical with the truth.
naciągać prawdę [to say something that is not completely honest in order to make someone or something seem better than it really is]
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stretch the truth
He was accused of stretching the truth about how much he had helped in the project.
małe kłamstewko [a lie that is told in order to be polite or to stop someone from being upset by the truth]
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white lie
to be feeling calm and happy because you are satisfied with your life
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be at peace with the world
zgadzam się z Tobą, rozumiem Cię
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I relate with you
I often wake very early - I'm sure most readers over 50 can relate.
słabnąć, wyciszać się, ustępować
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subside [this feeling subsided]
The police are hoping that the violence will soon subside. As the pain in my foot subsided, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.
If a condition subsides, it becomes less strong or extreme
równoważyć, rekompensować [to balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result]
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The extra cost of commuting to work from the suburbs is offset by cheaper rents.
The extra cost of travelling to work is offset by the lower price of houses here.
zamyślony [carefully considering things, quiet because you are thinking about something]
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thoughtful approach to sth
You look thoughtful.
He has a thoughtful approach to his work.
to pierwsze.../ to drugie...
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the former.../ the latter
Of the two suggestions, I prefer the former.
wcześniejszy, poprzedni, były
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former chairman/director/president former colleague/employee/employer
The former president lives on his ranch.
źle spostrzegany
to disapprove of something
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frown on/upon something
Smoking is frowned upon in many societies.
oceniać kogoś merytorycznie
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to evaluate / judge on sb's (own) merits
The committee will consider each applicant on his or her own merits.
zasługa, zasługiwać, wartość, zaleta czegoć
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Gardeners are happy to discuss the merits of different types of rakes.
We discussed the merits of herbal tea. They regularly debate the merits of a microwave oven over a conventional oven. I'm not convinced of the merits of outsourcing work to other companies.
kluczowy w... najważniejszy w...
important in causing something to happen
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instrumental in sth
She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.
As secretary of state, he was instrumental in the creation of NATO.
tak samo ważny
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equally important
w pewnych/każdych okolicznościach...
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in certain/any circumstances...
w pewnych okolicznościach, sytuacjach...
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in some contexts...
uwaga, komentarz
to give a spoken statement of an opinion or thought
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remark on / about
All his friends remarked on the change in him since his marriage.
Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion. The children made rude remarks about the old man.
kto na to wpadł?
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who came up with the concept/ this?
bez skutku, na próżno
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to no avail
często gęsto
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time and again
I've told you time and (time) again - look before you cross the road. This woman has proven time and time again that she cannot be trusted.
(być) w trakcie czegoś (w ciężkim czasie)
experiencing or doing something that is difficult, unpleasant, or painful
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(to be) in the throes of sth
... of war, of crisis
The country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the Second World War. He's in the throes of a mid-life crisis that makes him pretty hard to live with.
odgrywać rolę, mieć znaczenie, być istotnym, ważnym
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come / bring into play
In the summer months a different set of climatic factors come into play. All the resources and staff available were brought into play to cope with the crisis.
a lot of something, milion pięćset,
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no shortage of sth
no shortage of opinion
He has no shortage of ambition or energy. [There is no shortage of]... new land to build on.
... to się jeszcze okaże / zobaczymy w przyszłości
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... sth is yet to be seen
przestawiać godzinę do przodu / do tyłu
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set the clock ahead / back (by) one hour
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that's a point!
"We'll take the bus." "But we don't have any money for the fare." "That's a point."
w tym momencie
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at this point in time
At that point, a soldier opened fire on the car. I was completely lost at one point. It was so confusing that eventually it got to the point where no one knew what was going on.
doskonale cię rozumiem
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I can see your point
to nie ma nic do rzeczy
w tym rzecz
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it has nothing to do with it
that's the point
bodziec, zachęta [something that encourages a person to do something]
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incentive package/plan/system create/offer/provide an incentive
financial/fiscal/monetary incentive. a big/great/generous incentive
zachęcić kogoś
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incentive for sb to do sth / have incentive to do sth
There's no incentive for the unions to make concessions now, since they've always been given what they asked for.
These kids have no incentive to learn.
zgłębić coś, poznać coś dokładnie
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to gain an insight into sth / get some insight
mieć awersję do czegoś
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to have an aversion to sth
I felt an instant aversion to his parents. She has a deep aversion to getting up in the morning. Greed is my pet aversion (= the thing I dislike most of all).
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przegrać zakład
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lose a bet
zmniejszać przepaść [decrease difference]
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to bridge a gap
We must bridge the gap between employees and management. They believe that the digital device bridges a gap in patient-doctor communication.
wprowadzać w życie [plan, schemat]
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execute plan, scheme
The whole plan was executed with great precision.
czynić postępy
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to make strides [forward]
przyzwoity [socially acceptable or good]
zachować się przyzwoicie
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decent [socially acceptable or good]
/do the decent thing/ After the recent scandal, the priest is expected to do the decent thing and resign from his position.
Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living. I thought he was a decent person.
wydawać pieniądze na coś / na lewo i prawo
zaszalejmy i chodźmy do restauracji
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to splurge money on sth / left and right
let's splurge and go to a restaurant
zrujnowany, zaniedbany, opuszczony
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szeregowi członkowie [the ordinary people in a society or an organization, especially a political party]
oddolne wsparcie, organizacja, inicjatywa
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the grassroots [of party, organization]
grassroots support, a grassroots movement/campaign
The feeling among the grassroots of the Party is that the leaders are not radical enough.
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gehenna [a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience]
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I'm sorry to put you through this ordeal. The love of my family and friends sustained me through my ordeal.
The hostages' ordeal came to an end when soldiers stormed the building.
szukać czegoś
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to be on the lookout for sth
przykro mi to słyszeć
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I'm concerned to hear that
jeśli o mnie chodzi
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as far as I’m concerned
w odpowiednim czasie, terminowo
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in a timely manner
zaległe kwoty, niespłacony dług, niespłacona pożyczka
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outstanding amounts, debt, loan
w międzyczasie
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In the meantime, in the interim
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