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### Programming Languages (Języki programowania)
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### Programming Languages
- bytecode - kod bajtowy
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- bytecode - byte code
- Source code - Kod źródłowy
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- Source code - Source code
- Compiler - Kompilator
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- Compiler - Compiler
- Machine code - Kod maszynowy
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- Machine code - Machine code
- Debugging - Debugowanie
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- Debugging - Debugging
- high-level languages - języki wysokiego poziomu
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- high-level languages - high-level languages
- object-code - kod obiektowy
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- object-code - object code
- bug - błąd
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- bug - error
- assembler - asembler
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- assembler - assembler
- assembly - asembler (język)
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- assembly - assembler (language)
- visual basic - Visual Basic
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- visual basic - Visual Basic
### Java
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- Java applet
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- Java applet
- Source code - Kod źródłowy
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- Source code - Source code
- Object-oriented - Zorientowany obiektowo
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- Object-oriented - Object-oriented
- class definitions - Definicje klas
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- class definitions - Class definitions
- debugger - Debuger
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- debugger - Debugger
- develop - Rozwijać
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- develop - To develop
- dictionary types - Typy słownikowe
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- dictionary types - Dictionary types
- edit-test-debug cycle - Cykl edycji-testowania-odpluskwiania
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- edit-test-debug cycle - Edit-test-debug cycle
- floating point addition - Dodawanie zmiennoprzecinkowe
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- floating point addition - Floating point addition
- glue language - Język klejący
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- glue language - Adhesive tongue
- inheritance - Dziedziczenie
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- inheritance - Inheritance
- inspect - Inspektować
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- inspect - To inspect
- low-level implementation - Implementacja niskopoziomowa
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- low-level implementation - Low-level implementation
- modules and packages - Moduły i pakiety
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- modules and packages - Modules and packages
- multi-threaded - Wielowątkowy
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- multi-threaded - Multi-threaded
- flash - Flash
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- flash - Flash
- flash movies - Filmy flash
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- flash movies - Flash movies
- flash files - Pliki flash
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- flash files - Flash files
- applets - Aplety
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- applets - Applets
- pronounced - Wymawiane
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- pronounced - Pronounced
- interpreted - Interpretowany
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- interpreted - Interpreted
- compiled - Kompilowany
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- compiled - Compiled
### Communication Systems and Networks (Systemy i sieci komunikacyjne)
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### Communication Systems and Networks
- nodes - Węzły
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- nodes - Nodes
- circle - Okrąg
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- circle - Circle
- network - Sieć
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- network - Network
- pathway - Ścieżka
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- affect - Wpływać na
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- affect - To influence
- configure - Konfigurować
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- configure - Configure
- destination - Cel
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miejsce docelowe
- failure - Awaria
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- failure - Failure
- exchanging - Wymiana
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- exchanging - Exchange
- backbone - Szkielet
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rdzeń (np. sieci)
- forecasting - Prognozowanie
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- forecasting - Forecasting
- sensing devices - Urządzenia czujnikowe
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- sensing devices - Sensor devices
- optical fibres - Światłowody
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- optical fibers - Optical fibers
- inner - Wewnętrzny
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- inner - Internal
- surrounded - Otoczony
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- surrounded - Surrounded
- woven - Tkany
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- woven - Woven
- receiver - Odbiornik
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- receiver - Receiver
- file server - Serwer plików
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- file server - File server
- concentrator/hub - Koncentrator/hub
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- concentrator/hub - Concentrator/hub
- grant - Przyznawać
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nadawać (np. dostęp)
- up-to-date - Aktualny
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- MAN - Miejska Sieć Komputerowa (Metropolitan Area Network)
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- MAN - Municipal Computer Network (Metropolitan Area Network)
- WAN - Rozległa Sieć Komputerowa (Wide Area Network)
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- WAN - Wide Area Network
- token - Znacznik
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- token - Tag
- goes down - Ulega awarii
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przestaje działać
- strand - Pasmo
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- transmitter - Nadajnik
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- transmitter - Transmitter
- to twist - Skręcać
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- to twist - To twist
- woven - Tkany
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- sensing device - Czujnik
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- sensing device - Sensor
- receiver - Odbiornik
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- receiver - Receiver
- forecasting - Prognozowanie
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- forecasting - Forecasting
- hub - Koncentrator
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- immer - Zanurzać
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- to link - Łączyć
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- this link - Connect
- to each - Do każdego
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- to each - To everyone
- dish - Talerz
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- dish - Plate
- bending - Zginanie
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- bending - Bending
- bus - Magistrala
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- bus - Bus
- ring topologies - Topologie pierścienia
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- ring topologies - Ring topologies
- communications protocols - Protokoły komunikacyjne
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- communications protocols - Communication protocols
### Video Games (Gry wideo)
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### Video Games
• MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online (Masywna gra wieloosobowa online)
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• MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online
• RPG - Role-Playing Game (Gra fabularna)
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• RPG - Role-Playing Game
• FPS - First-Person Shooter (Strzelanka z perspektywy pierwszej osoby)
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• FPS - First-Person Shooter
• RTS - Real-Time Strategy (Strategia czasu rzeczywistego)
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• RTS - Real-Time Strategy
• MOBA - Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (Bitwa wieloosobowa online)
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• MOBA - Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
• Adventure - Adventure (Przygodowa)
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• Adventure - Adventure
• Platform - Platform (Platformowa)
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• Platform - Platform
• Puzzle - Puzzle (Logiczna)
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• Puzzle - Puzzle (Logical)
• Survival - Survival (Survivalowa)
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• Survival - Survival
### Additional Vocabulary (Dodatkowe słownictwo)
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### Additional Vocabulary
- An appliance - Urządzenie
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- An appliance - The device
- Well-paying - Dobrze płatny
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- Well-paying - Well-paid
- A segment - Segment
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- A segment - Segment
- To pick - Wybierać
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- To pick - To pick
- To supercede - Zastępować
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- To supercede - To replace
- A superset - Nadzbiór
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- A superset - A superset
- Flowchart - Schemat blokowy
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- Flowchart - Flowchart
- Language programming - Programowanie językowe
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- Language programming - Language programming

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