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commencer à apprendre
a company which is at least half-owned by another company
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a large building or group of buildings where goods are made (using machinery)
call centre
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an of Ace where people answer questions and make sales over the phone
service centre
commencer à apprendre
a place where faulty products are mended
commencer à apprendre
the main office or building of a company
distribution centre
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a building from which goods or supplies are sent to factories, shops or customers
commencer à apprendre
a building for storing goods in large quantities
commencer à apprendre
a place through which products are sold
commencer à apprendre
success in doing something
commencer à apprendre
important new plans to achieve an aim
commencer à apprendre
independence/freedom to make your own decisions
commencer à apprendre
giving people the power to do something
commencer à apprendre
teaching staff
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
publicity stunt
commencer à apprendre
something done to get people's attention
design features
commencer à apprendre
an important, interesting or typical part of something
commencer à apprendre
a short phrase that is easy to remember
poster campaign
commencer à apprendre
a series of actions intended to get a particular resull
press coverage
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newspapers and magazines
commencer à apprendre
equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is divided
commencer à apprendre
a period of time when business activity decreases because the economy is doing badly
equity stake
commencer à apprendre
money rwns part of isked when a business oanother company
stock market
commencer à apprendre
a place where company shares are bought and sold
commencer à apprendre
a description of what is likely to happen in the future
commencer à apprendre
money owed by one person or organisation to another person or organisation
Profit margin is
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the difference between the price of a product or service and the cost of producing it.
Investment is
commencer à apprendre
money which people or organisations put into a business to make a profit.
Bankruptcy is
commencer à apprendre
when a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts.
A dividend is
commencer à apprendre
a part of a company's profits paid to the owners of shares.
Pre-tax profits are
commencer à apprendre
the money a business makes before payment to the government.
Annual turnover is
commencer à apprendre
he amount of money which a business obtains (in a year) from customers by selling goods or services.
commencer à apprendre

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