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PV zaprosić na randkę/na wydarzenie. To ask one to go on a date.
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to ask out
Bill still hasn't asked me out—maybe he doesn't have romantic feelings for me after all. I'm sorry, we're busy on Friday night—my boss has asked us out to the theater.
PV odłożyć po użyciu, odłożyć na miejsce
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to put away
Please put away the tools when you are finished.
PV poddać pod rozważenie, zaproponować
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to put forward
a very interesting proposal was put forward. I wasn't convinced by any of the arguments that he put forward.
PV przesunąć czas do przodu, ogólnie przesunąć do przodu
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to put forward
Don't forget that this Sunday we put the clocks forward an hour. Could you put your left foot forward a little?
PV odkładać (na później)
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to put off
Don't put off your homework to the last minute. Why did I keep putting off working on this essay? Now I'll be up all night writing it. I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner. I should never have put it off.
PV znosić, tolerować
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to put up with
I put up with a lot of nonsense, but this is too much. I don't know how you put up with John—he's such a loudmouth!
PV telekom. łączyć
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to put through
Please hold the line a moment while I put you through to the sales office. You'll need to speak to the sales department about that issue. Would you like me to put you through?
PV dać komuś za darmo, oddać. (transitive) To make a gift of (something).
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to give away
I didn't like that book, so I gave it away. I gave away all my old clothes
PV ugiąć się pod (dosł. i w przenośni) ustąpić, ulec
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to give in
The roof gave in under the weight of the snow. Under the threat of a strike, the management gave in and agreed to reinstate annual pay increases for all employees. Try not to give in to temptation.

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