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If I was on vacation, I would be happy
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om jag var på semester skulle jag vara glad
satisfied, content, pleased
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I wouldn’t have been mad if you hadn’t said that
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Jag skulle inte ha varit ilsken om du hade inte sagt det
Everyone did their best and the coach was happy with the team.
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Alla gjorde sitt bästa och tränaren var nöjd med laget.
You must do your best todaty
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Du måste göra ditt bästa idag
My mother was very angry / disappointed / angry with me yesterday. I said I wouldn't clean my room
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Min mamma var väldigt arg/besviken/arg på mig igår. Jag sa att jag inte skulle städa mitt rum
My mother was very angry / disappointed / angry with me yesterday. I said I wouldn't clean my room
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Min mamma var väldigt arg/besviken/arg på mig igår. Jag sa att jag inte skulle städa mitt rum
She was shocked / delighted by the gift.
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Hon blev chockad/glad över presenten.
He was stressed / calm / relaxed / nervous before the competition.
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Han var stressad / lugn / nervös inför tävlingen.
a competition
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en tävling
When she got a bad result on the test, she was sad / angry / shocked / disappointed
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När hon fick ett dåligt resultat på provet blev hon ledsen / arg / chockad / besviken
He had five meetings that day and was very nervous / stressed / bored
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He had five meetings that day and was very nervous / stressed / bored
Many people wonder why the Swedes are so calm / happy
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Många funderar på varför svenskarna är så lugna / lyckliga
He was mean to her and it made her unhappy
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Han var osnäll mot henne och det gjorde henne olycklig
She was angry / disappointed when the parents said no.
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Hon blev ilsken / besviken när föräldrarna sa nej.
to mess with
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att bråka med
unexpected visit
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oväntat besök
If I had a dog, I would hug it
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om jag hade en hund skulle jag krama den
a lead
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ett koppel
the dog is on a leash
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hunden är kopplad
if you hadn’t been wearing thin clothes, you would have been healthy
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Om du hade inte haft tunna kläder på dig skulle du ha varit frisk
a company
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ett sällskap
take care of
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ta hand om
Have you ever had?
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Har du någonsin haft?
I have a cat at my parents' house.
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Jag har en katt hemma hos mina föräldrar.
We have to feed them
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Vi måste mata dem
We must spend time with them
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Vi måste spendera/tillbringa tid med dem
My largest guinea pig weighs 1.5 kilos
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Mitt största marsvin väger 1,5 kilo
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As I have said
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Som jag har sagt
It smells bad
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Det luktar illa
a turtle
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en sköldpadda
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en spindel
a lizard
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en ödla
pleasant, pleasurable
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trevlig, behaglig
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