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PV wybić z rytmu, wyprowadzić z równowagi, zdezorientować.
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to throw off
The sudden noise just threw me off completely, and I missed my shot. When flirting with women, many guys are thrown off by beautiful women who try to "test" them.
PV podbijać do kogoś. (transitive, slang) To flirt with; to approach and speak to (someone), seeking romance, love, sex, etc.
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to hit on
If a beautiful woman accuses you of hitting on her, instead of walking away red-handed, smile and respond with: Should I be?
uprzednio, wcześniej, zawczasu, z góry
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I love playing tennis but I always get so nervous beforehand. If a guy goes for a kiss without any touch beforehand... Weeks beforehand, I had bought the tickets for the concert. Will it be possible to have access to the room beforehand?
PV wyjść na, sprawić wrażenie, wypaść. To appear; to seem; to project a certain quality.
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to come off
Don't come off serious. You should be careful about how you come off during interviews. How did my speech come off?

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