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na poczekaniu, na bieżąco, w tej samej chwili/bez chwili zwlekania
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on the spot
He liked the house, so he made an offer on the spot. When the boss learned Tom had been lying, he fired him on the spot.
PV wymyślić
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to make up
"How did you come up with that character? Is he based on someone you know?" B: "No, I just made him up."
PV kompensować.
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to make up for
Here, this should make up for all the money I owe you, and then some. Dad said he hoped this trip would make up for all the times he was away.
PV zastąpić. To act as a substitute for one.
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to make up for
I'd be willing to make up for Sarah while she's away.
PV wskazać
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to point out
He pointed out the little brown bird in the tree. She pointed out the two drummers in the class.
PV zaznaczyć, zwrócić uwagę
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to point out
I would just like to point out that we need to finish our meeting by 9 o'clock.
PV o invite somebody, especially on a date.
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to ask out
How do I ask her out? How do I get a shy man to ask me out? Kevin wants to ask Esther out on a date.
PV odłożyć na bok (przenośnie)
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to put aside
Let's put our differences aside for the moment, and get this project finished.
PV odłożyć na miejsce
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to put away
Please put away the tools when you are finished. I put the clothes away so as to neaten the room.
PV poniżać, obrażać. (idiomatic) To insult, belittle, or demean.
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to put down (for)
They frequently put down their little sister for walking slowly. He made an unkind remark, intended to put her down.
PV przypisać coś czemuś/komuś, zrzucić na karb. (idiomatic) To give something as a reason for something else.
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to put down to
She put her long life down to daily meditation. I don't see her progress. I put it down to her laziness

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