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I have as much entitlement to happiness as you do to misery.
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uprawnienie, prawo (do zrobienia czegoś, np. do głosowania)
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My brother is so superior, he doesn't respect others.
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I don't like her because she's superior and big-headed.
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boast about something
Stop boasting about your new boyfriend, I'm tired of listening about him
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chwalić się czymś
look down on somebody
He thinks he can look down on her because she doesn't have a job.
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patrzeć na kogoś z góry, pogardzać kimś
get above yourself
My father advised me to work hard, treat others with respect and never get above myself
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mieć zbyt wysokie mniemanie o sobie
smarty pants
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clever clogs
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cwaniak, spryciarz, mądrala
Will you second this decision?
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She gets tipsy after one glass of sweet wine.
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podchmielony, wstawiony, podpity
set fire to something
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podpalić coś
attest to something
The number of old German cars still on the road attests to the excellence of their manufacture.
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świadczyć o czymś
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zarozumialstwo, zarozumiałość
conceited as a barber's cat
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bardzo zarozumiały i próżny
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pewny siebie, pyszałkowaty, zarozumiały, próżny
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cocky as the king of spades
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(zarozumiały jak król pik) bardzo dumny, chełpliwy
proud as a peacock
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dumny jak paw
smart alec
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mądrala, cwaniak
be too big for one's boots
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strugać ważniaka, zbytnio przejąć się swoją rolą
too big for your britches
He's been getting too big for his britches since he got that promotion
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strugać ważniaka
stuffed shirt
My boss is a stuffed shirt but I pretend I like him.
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nadęty nudziarz
stroke somebody's ego
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łechtać czyjeś ego
ego trip
To many people, he seems to be on a bit of an ego trip
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coś podnoszącego samoocenę
high horse
get off your high horse and admit you are wrong
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arogancki i nieustępliwy sposób bycia

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