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patrzeć z wysoka PV
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patrzeć z wysoka PV ?
to look down on
The well-dressed businessman looked down on the kid wearing a T-shirt in the elevator, not knowing that he was the new CEO. I have no idea why some people look down on those who speak with an accent—that means they know at least two languages!
patrzeć z nieba. PV
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to look down on
I get a feeling Kurt Cobain is looking down on Nickelback and wondering what alternative rock has become.
zatłoczony, przepełniony
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overcrowded. overcrowdedness
dogadywać się, mieć dobre stosunki. ладить с PV
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to get on with. get along (with)
Peter did not get on with his mother-in-law. I wish the kids would get along better.
(transitive) To get into or inside something, literally or figuratively. (intransitive) To enter a place; to gain access PV
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to get in
Hurry up and get in the car! If you want to get in, you'll need the gate code and a key.
przekazać, oddać, wyrazić. чётко изложить, передать, донести PV
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to get across
I'm not sure how to get my point across to you. What message are you trying to get across in this advertisement? It's not clear enough to me. I couldn't get across to the class this simple economic fact.

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