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ładowanie client-side do casliba
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loading client-side into caslib
info o in-memory table
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info about in-memory table
import excela przez proc import
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import excel via proc import
łączenie z sesją cas
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connecting to cas session
rozłączanie z sesją cas
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disconnecting from cas session
atrybuty casliba
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session attributes
dodanie librefa
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adding libref
manualne dodanie casliba
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manual addition of caslib
ładowanie file do casliba
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loading file into caslib
ładowanie server-side file do casliba
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loading server-side file into caslib
zmiana właściwości kolumn
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changing column properties
zapisywanie in-memory tabeli z casliba do data source part casliba
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saving in-memory table from Caslib to Caslib's data source part
usuwanie in-memory tabeli
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deleting in-memory table
numery wątków
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thread numbers
data step single
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date step single
bardziej detaliczne info w logu
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more detailed info in the log
różnice SQL/fedql
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SQL/fedql differences
typy danych w casie
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data types in the case
tylko na compute serverze
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only on compute server
cas-enable base Sas procedures
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cas-enable base Sas procedures
proc mdsummary
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proc mdsummary
przechowywanie formatów
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format storage
zapisanie session-scope format library do permanentnego sashdat pliku
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saving the session-scope format library to a permanent sashdat file
dodanie format library do nowej sesji casa
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adding format library to new casa session
wylosowanie ranges formatu
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drawing ranges format
info o plikach w caslibie - CASL
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info about files in caslib - CASL
ładowanie tabeli do casliba z datą source part - CASL
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loading the table into caslib with the source part - CASL date
info o tabeli - CASL
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table info - CASL
info o kolumnach - CASL
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info about columns - CASL
wyświetlenie pierwszych 10 wierszy - CASL
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displaying the first 10 lines - CASL
wyświetlenie unikalnych wartości kolumny - CASL
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displaying unique column values - CASL
mdsummary w CASL
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mdsummary in CASL
usuwanie data source z casliba
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removing data source from caslib
data limit przy sgplot
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data limit with sgplot
info w logu jakie cas actions + hardware info
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info in the log, what cas actions + hardware info
tworzenie globalnego casliba
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creating a global caslib
formaty i etykiety w fedsql
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formats and labels in fedsql

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