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sign language
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en stuga
litet hus
a reindeer
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en ren
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Allt jag någonsin ägt är tid
I have studied for two years
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Jag har studerat i två år
Have you ever sung?
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Har du någonsin sjungit?
the railway station
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When is your birthday?
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När fyller du år?
I do not want to disturb
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jag vill inte störa
I don’t have the energy to go out tonight.
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Jag orkar inte gå ut ikväll.
He has baked a cake. Do you want to taste
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Han har bakat en tårta. Vill du smaka
Jenny has ridden a camel in Tunisia. She has been there many times
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Jenny har ridit kamel i Tunisien. Hon har varit där många gånger
Hans has run a marathon, he is tired now
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Hans har sprungit maraton, han är trött nu
Agnes has sung in a choir for three years and has danced salas for five years
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Agnes har sjungit i kör i tre år och har dansat sala i fem år
She has never ridden a motorcycle, but she would like to
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Hon har aldrig kört motorcykel, men hon skulle vilja göra det
this week
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den här veckan
what are you going to do tomorrow
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vad tänker du göra imorgon
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inpact on
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rather, more
He is not dumb, but rather the opposite.
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Han är inte dum, snarare tvärtom.

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