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The girls talk about animals
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Flickorna pratar om djur
In the morning, the cats drink some milk
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På morgonen dricker katterna lite mjölk
Do your neighbors have a big horse
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Har era grannar en stor häst
Where is your new watch
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Var är din nya klocka
our computer is not at home
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vår dator är inte hemma
something is always happening on this street
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det händer alltid något på denna gatan
He is tired and goes to bed early
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Han är trött och går och lägger sig tidigt
She learns Swedish and understands quite a lot
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Hon läser svenska och förstår ganska mycket
a yard
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en gård
a slide
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en rutschkana
a swing
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en gunga
a plant
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en växt
a garbage can
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en soptunna
to throw away
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att slänga
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a lock
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ett lås
a cyclist
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en cyklist
a floor
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ett golv
going up the stairs
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går upp för trappan
walks along the water
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går längs vattnet
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a pair of mittens
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ett par vantar
he is sweating
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han svettas
It's misty
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Det är dimmigt
to give
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ger ger gav givit (gett)
att kunna, kan, kunde, kunnat
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att kunna, kan, kunde, kunnat
to see
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att se ser såg sett
shall we
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ska ska skulle skolat
to know
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veta vet visste vetat
personal data
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ett område
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a pencil
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en blyertspenn
a village
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en by
make the bed
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bädda sängen
to take a chance
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att chansa
in addition
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a fog
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en dimma
a son, the son, sons
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en son, sonen, söner
a daughter, the daughter, daughters
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en dotter, dottern, döttrar
a man, the man, men
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en man, mannen, män, männen
to pull
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att dra; drar
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en diskmaskin
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Barnen var envisa och till slut gav pappa med sig
talented, gifted
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begåvad, duktig
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to die
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att dö; dör
to kill
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att döda; dödar
to dream
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att drömma; drömmer
a dream
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en dröm
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a fire
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en eld
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en ekorre
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en filt
a river
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en flod
to flow
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att flyta; flyter
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snabbt, fort
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en frihet
a boat
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en båt
I sweat a lot when I exercise
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Jag svettas mycket när jag tränar
today I was sweating because it was so hot.
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idag svettades jag för att det var så varmt.
We breathe fresh air in nature
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Vi andas frisk luft i naturen
I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth
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Jag andas in genom näsan och ut genom munnen
I envy her fine handwriting.
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Jag avundas hennes fina handstil.
When I was little I envied my friend because she had a cat
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När jag var liten avundade jag min kompis för att hon hade en katt
I pretend to sleep
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Jag låtsas att jag sover
for real
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på riktigt
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I can't stay here because I can't breathe
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Jag kan inte vistas här darför jag kan inte andas
I have forgotten his name
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Jag har glömt hans namn
I don't remember his name
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Jag minns inte hans namn
Do you socialize with your classmates
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Umgås du med dina klasskamrater
Before I didn't hang out with them, but now I hang out with them every day
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Förr umgicks jag inte med dem, men nu umgås jag med dem varje dag
We have a Christmas calendar because it's easier to wait for Christmas.
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Vi har en julkalender eftersom det är lättare att vänta till jul.
preparation time
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to turn off the lights
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för att släcka ljus
a wall
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en vägg
a pencil sharpener
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en pennvässare
market square
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ett torg, torget, torg, torgen
a mattress
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en madrass
a bag
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en påse
a pillow
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en kudde
a quilt
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ett täcke, täcken, täcken, täckena
a sink
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en diskho
a floor
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en våning
a relative
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en släkting
a knee
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ett knä, knät, knän, knäna
one day
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ett dygn
a rose
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en ros, rosen, rosor, rosorna
a gap
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en lucka
a rope
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ett snöre
own, own, owned, owned
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äga, äger, ägde, ägt
report, reports, reported, reported
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anmäla, anmäler, anmälade, anmält
fill, fills, filled, filled
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fyll, fyller, fyllde, fyllt
follow, follows, followed, followed
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följa, följer, följde, följt
apply, apply, apply
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gäller, gällde, gällt
raise, raises, raised, raised
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höj, höjer, höjde, höjt
close, closes, closed, closed
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stäng, stänger, stängde, stängt
set, set, set, set
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ställa, ställer, ställde, ställt
Hon ställde boken i bokhyllan
swing, swings, swung, swung
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sväng, svänger, svängde, svängt
weigh, weigh, weighed, weighed
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väg, väger, vägde, vägt
remember, remembered
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minns, mindes, mints
thrived, thrived, thrived
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trivis, trivdes, trivits
determine, determine, determined
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bestämme, bestämmer, bestämt
dream, dreams, dreamed, dreamed
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dröm, drömmer, drömde, drömt
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a binder(s)
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en pärm (pärmar)
a lexicon
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ett lexikon
a lesson
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en läxa
talking on the phone
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talar i telefon
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Du måste äta ordentligt så att du blir stor
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a pot
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en kastrull
a pan
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en panna
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en skål
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en mugg
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en kopp
a plate
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ett fat
a plate / the plate / plates / the plates
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en tallrik / tallriken / tallrikar / tallrikarna
a jug
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en tillbringare
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practice choir
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ett knä, knät, knän, knäna
a leg, leg
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ett ben, ben
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en mun
a gate
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en grind
mark, print, trace
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ett spår
a knob, a handle
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ett handtag
melt, dissolve
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att smälta
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att dropp
a roof
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ett tak
be responsble
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to return
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att återvänd
to wave
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att vinka
related to
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relaterat till, besläktad
tap the phone
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tryck på telefonen
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To turn, turns, turned, turned
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Att vända, vänder, vände, vändt
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a sign
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en skylt
a mailbox
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en brevlåda, en postlåda
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to fight
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att strida; strider
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to check
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att kontrollera; att kolla
beat, hit, stroke
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slå, slog, slagit

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