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independent and having the power to make decisions ourself
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the Group of People who shareholders choose to manage a company or organisation
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board of directors
a Group of People who meet regulary to approve the decisions of the company's board directors
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board of supervisors
dyrektor generalny
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CEO chief executive officer
a person in charge of meeting or organisation
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Chair man (przewodniczący)
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payments from a company or employee to Pay for employee's benefits such as medical insurance or a pension
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Contrubution (datek, wklad)
dyrektor operacyjny
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Chief operating officer (COO)
główna działalność
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core business
involving People or departments who do different types of work for the same company to achiwve a common goal
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cross-functional teams (interdyscyplinarne zespoły)
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a set of People chosen or elected to represent a larger group
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kanal dystrybucji
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distribution channel
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making a company or an arganisation smaller by reducing the number of People working for it
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down sizing
rhe reduction of production costs that is a result of making and selling goods in large quantities
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Economies of scal
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equipment, Roomster that are provided for People to use
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informacja zwrotna
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breaking something info small parts of boeing broken up in this way
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commencer à apprendre
an organisation divides it into specialized departments based on specific functions or areas of expertise
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functional structure
ordinary People in a society or organisation, rather than the leaders
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grassroots (szeregowi czllonkowie)
not able to exist or work with another person or thing
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existing as a natural and permanent quality of something or someone
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inherent (wrodzony)
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wykaż, spis
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kluczowi klienci
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key accounts
the control that a manager has over workers
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line authority
company where employees are responsible to two or more maaers
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matrix structure (struktura macierzowa)
menadżer średniego stopnia
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middle manager
havin a lower or less important position
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subordinate (podrzedny)
a company that is owned by a larger company
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subsidiary (jednostka zależna)
better than average
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to watch a person or activity to make certain that everyrhing is done correctly, sagely
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to change
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to adapt plans
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to give decision making to somone else
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to delegate decision making
to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen
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to determine goals
creating plans and procedures
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to developer plans and procedures
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to ensure
wejsc na nowe rynki
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to enter new markets
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dawać instrukcje
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to give instructions
nadawać priorytet
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to give priority
wdrażać plany
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to implement plans
obniżać koszty
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to lower costs
podejmować decyzje
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to make/take decision
monitorowanie codziennej pracy
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to monitor the day to day work
nakładać się
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to overlap
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to report to
pracować na pełnych obrotach
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to work at full capacity
glowny menadzer
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top manager
stosunek jakości do ceny
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value for money
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commencer à apprendre
to stick or be attached to a surface
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adhere to
to stick or be attached firmly to a surface
commencer à apprendre
adhere to

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