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to stay somewhere for some time
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to stick around
If you have any questions for the performers, stick around in the lobby after the show. If you stick around for the next two months, I may have more work for you later.
powstrzymywać, zatrzymywać
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hold back
the police tried to hold the crowd back. I wanted to tell him the truth but something held me back.
napuścić, nasłać, poszczuć
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to set on
I will set the dogs on you, if you don't leave right now! Do you know who set the police on you?
przejrzeć i ocenić (np. tekst albo kandydatów)
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to look over
Sorry, I can't give you any feedback yet. I didn't have time to look over your paper.
wpaść, wstąpić (wrócić potem)
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to call back
I'll call back later to collect this report. I'll call back later and help you clean up this mess.
to kill somebody or make somebody extremely tired
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to do in
I’m completely done in. I was very proud that I ran the marathon, but it really did me in. He didn't want to give them the money, so they've done him in.
To end
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to do in
We very nearly did in an entire keg of beer that weekend.

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