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(intransitive) To come towards, to approach.
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to come up
I was standing on the corner when Nick came up and asked for a cigarette. He came up to me and asked me to dance with him.
przyjść do głowy, pojawić się w głowie
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to occur to /əˈkɝ/
One little incident of my school days occurs to me as amusing. It occurred to him to tell me of the problem. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was trying to do you a favor?
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to lace up
Lace up your shoes and let's go.
opatulić się
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to wrap up
It's a cold, snowy day and I'm going to wrap up thoroughly before I go sledding. It was freezing so I wrapped up warm. My mother wrapped me up in a parka and snow pants.
(transitive) To cause to take place/to happen. Przynieść, wnieść, wywołać,
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to bring about
it may bring about a change of the Cabinet. what brought about this quarrel? The collapse of the gold standard brought about much of the economic turmoil of that era. I promise: making one mistake will not bring about the apocalypse.
pomylić z
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mistake for
I mistook him for his brother.
siedzieć bezczynnie
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to sit about/around
we have no time to sit about and gossip
zwolnić kogoś z pracy, zazw. z odprawą
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to lay off
How many people do you think will be laid off in this merger? I figured they would lay me off, I just didn't think it would be this soon.
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to tell apart
My cousins are twins. I don't see them too often, so when I meet them, I can never tell them apart.
zdecydować się na, określić się z
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to settle on
They haven't settled on a name for the baby yet. We wanted to buy a house, but at these prices we had to settle on an apartment. It took some time, but Sarah and I finally settled on an appropriate price for the house.
osiąść/usadowić się
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to settle on
Snow settled on the roofs. Dust had settled on everything. Two birds settled on the fence.

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