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niewybaczalny, nie dający się usprawiedliwić
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inexcusable. inexcusableness
We arrived at the wedding inexcusably late. He came to the exam in a T-shirt which was inexcusable.
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to miss
We only missed two points to win the game.
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an ulcer |ˈʌlsər|
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a dustpan
Have you got a dustpan and brush?
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How much medicine per gram is there in this tube of ointment?
(idiomatic) To form; to start to exist.
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to come into being
Sociologists would like to study how this phenomenon came into being. Skateboarding came into being in the 1940s.
kotlet z kawałkiem kości
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a chop
pork chops
wziąć pod uwagę, rozważyć
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to take into consideration
When choosing a notebook you need to take numerous factors into consideration.
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smoła ?
The night was pitch-black.

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