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upewnić się / upewniać się / sprawdzić
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to make certain that something is done or happens/to make sure
Please ensure that all examination papers have your name at the top.
przezwyciężyć, nie móc opanować czegoś
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overcome, be overcome by
to deal with and control a problem or feeling
He's trying to overcome his drug addiction and find a job./She was overcome by emotion.
kusić, wabić, nakłaniać
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to make someone want to have or do something, especially something that they do not need or something that is wrong/to (try to) persuade or attract to do something
She's trying to tempt me to go shopping with her./The sunshine tempted them (to go) out.
uwalniać, ujawniać, puszczać, zwalniać
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to make a record or film available for people to buy or see/to let the public have news or information about something/to stop holding someone or something/to allow a prisoner to be free/to let a substance flow out from somewhere
Six hostages were released shortly before midday./Police have not released the dead woman's name. RECORD/FILM
rozstrzęsiony, strapiony
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very worried and upset
She was distraught at the news of his death.
ratować, ocalić
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rescue sb
to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation
Fifty passengers had to be rescued from a sinking ship.
łudzić, oszukiwać, zwodzić
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to make someone believe something that is not real or true
She deluded herself into thinking she could win.
oddzielny, osobny, odrębny
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not joined or touching anything else/not affecting or related to each other
I try to keep meat separate from other food.

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