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 0    7 fiche    karoladamczak
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ustalać, układać
commencer à apprendre
to make the necessary plans and preparations for something to happen/to plan or make decisions (about future events)/to put in some sort of order
Colin arranged the books in alphabetical order./We have arranged a meeting for next week.
powalić kogoś na ziemię(zaskoczyć)
commencer à apprendre
blow away
to surprise or please someone very much
This a movie will blow you away.
zasygnalizować, wskazywać
commencer à apprendre
to show that something exists or is likely to be true/to say something or give a signal to show what you mean or what you intend to do
Recent evidence indicates that the skeleton is about 3 million years old./He has indicated his intention to resign.
obejmować, akceptować, przyjmować
commencer à apprendre
to accept new ideas, beliefs, methods, etc in an enthusiastic way/If you embrace someone, you put your arms around them, and if two people embrace, they put their arms around each other.
We are always eager to embrace the latest technology.
być uzależnionym od czegoś, zależeć od
commencer à apprendre
depend on
to need the help of someone or something in order to exist or continue as before
The city's economy depends largely on the car industry.
konstrukcja, projekt, wzór(projektować)
commencer à apprendre
the process of making drawings to show how something will be made
She designs furniture.
wyznaczyć, mianować, desygnować
commencer à apprendre
to choose someone or something for a particular purpose or duty
The area has been designated as a nature reserve.

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