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manager, head, chief
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Recruitment Department Manager;
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kierownik działu rekrutacji
High-Rank Manager;
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kierownik najwyższego szczebla
Director, Chairman
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Commercial, Sales Director;
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Dyrektor handlowy
Head/director of purchasing division
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dyrektor działu zakupów
managing director
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dyrektor zarządzający
executive director
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dyrektor wykonawczzy
low rank manager
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kierownik podstawowego szczebla
production manager
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kierownik produkcji
manager of department
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kierownik działu
brand manager
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kierownik marki
floor manager
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kierownik piętra
mid-rank manager
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kierownik średniego szczebla
HR manager
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kierownik działu kadr <3
finantial analyst
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analityk finansowy
director of the board
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członek zarządu
supervisory board member
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członek rady nadzorczej
strategic investor
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inwestor strategiczny
limited partner
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interim manager
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menadżer/kierownik tymczasowy
junior staff
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pracownicy niższego sszczebla
high ranking staff
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pracownicy wyższego szczebla
guide businesses and individuals in decisions about expending money to attain profit. They assess the performance of stocks, bonds, and other types of investments;
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Financial Analyst
supervises the policies of the Executive Board and the general affairs of the company and its enterprise, taking into account the relevant interests of the company's stakeholders and to advise the Executive Board;
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Supervisory Board Member
odpowiada za zobowiązania cywilnoprawne spółki wobec jej wierzycieli tylko do wysokości sumy komandytowej;
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- invests money in exchange for shares in a partnership but has restricted voting power on company business and no day-to-day involvement in the business;
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limited partner
—— an investor who puts money into a business but is not responsible for its debts beyond their investment. They typically do not manage the business and have limited decision-making power.
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limited partner
temporary executive or manager who is brought in to lead a company or organization during sth.
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interim manager
captive agent (synonym)
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insurance agent
- sells insurance products for only one insurance company
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captive agent - insurance agent
chief accountant (synonym)
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head accountant
upper management (synonym)
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high ranking manaement
top executives (synonym)
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senior executives
notary (synonym)
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notary public
mover and shaker
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influencial person
issuer of an invoice
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voice maker
prospect customer
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potential customer
conscious customer
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price sensitive customer
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silent partner (synonym)
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sleeping partner
founding member (synonym)
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charter member
certified accountant (synonym)
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chartered accountant
claim adjuster (synonym)
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insurancce adjuster
claim adjuster - insurance adjuster
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likwidator szkód
carrier (synonym)
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haulage contractor
legal advisor (synonym)
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minority shareholder (synonym)
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minor shareholder
principle shareholder (synonym)
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majority shareholder
An investor who provides capital to a business but does not participate in its day-to-day operations.
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silent partner - sleeping partner
A member who was part of a group that started a new organization or business venture.
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founder member - charter member
An insurance company employee who investigates and assesses insurance claims.
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claim adjuster - insurance adjuster (likwidator szkód)
- A shareholder who owns less than 50% of the shares in a company
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minority shareholder - minor shareholder
A shareholder who owns more than 50% of the shares in a company and has significant control over decision- making.
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principle shareholder - majority shareholder
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Certified Accounting Professional
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Chief Financial Officer
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Chief Executive Officer
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Managing Director
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Personal Assistant
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Research and Development
Advertising that is delivered through digital channels
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digital advertising
Advertising that compares the products or services of one brand to another
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Comparative Advertising:
Advertising that is displayed inside buildings
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indoor advertising
Advertising that aims to promote a particular cause or issue,
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Advocacy Advertising:
Advertising that appears on public transportation
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Transit Advertising:
Advertising that is aimed at a broad audience,
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Mass Advertising:
Advertising that appears in print media
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Print Advertising:
Advertising that is displayed outdoors,
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Outdoor Advertising:
A marketing strategy that involves sending a series of messages or ads over a period of time
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Drip Advertising:
Advertising that takes advantage of non-traditional spaces
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Ambient Advertising:
Advertising that aims to create a sense of luxury
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Prestige Advertising:
Advertising that aims to build a positive image or reputation for a company
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Institutional Advertising:
Advertising that promotes a company as a whole,
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Corporate Advertising:

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