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question réponse
opierać na
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based sth on sth
obwiniac sie
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beat yourself up
zepsuc sie
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break down
wlamac sie do
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break into
spalic cos
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burn off something
odwiedzic kogos
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call on
commencer à apprendre
carry on
dopingowac kogos
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cheer sb on
sprawiac wrazenie
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come across as
napotkac sie na
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come across sb / sth
pochodzic z
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come from
dotrzec pojawic sie (o przyplywie)
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come in (of tide)
wychodzic byc wydanym
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come out
skoncentrowac sie na
commencer à apprendre
concentrate on sth
commencer à apprendre
cut sth off
odciac kogos od
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cut someone off from sth
commencer à apprendre
die out
radzic sobie z
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to deal with sth
wystroic sie
commencer à apprendre
dress up

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