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rozwiązać, odwiązać
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to untie
odrzucić, porzucić
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to discard
We have discarded our faith in astrology and witches.
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repulsive /ɹɪˈpʌlsɪv/
the most repulsive character in recent novels
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a whetstone
a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone
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to inherit
a bastard boy with nothing to inherit
Side by side with. Together with or at the same time.
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The nurse worked alongside the doctor. The two communities live peacefully alongside each other.
kręcić się koło kogoś, podążać za
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to follow someone around
He follows me around all day
chwytać, ściskać. To grip or grasp tightly.
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to clutch
She clutched her purse tightly and walked nervously into the building.
pewnie stąpający
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to gut
The fisherman guts the fish before cooking them.
(of an animal) To attack with the teeth.
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to savage
zakuć w łańcuchy
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to chain up
przebrać się w
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to change into

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