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być w dołku, mieć chandrę (najczęściej do dzieci) (idiomatic) Sad; lacking engagement or enthusiasm.
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(to feel) down in the dumps
I've been down in the dumps all week. She's feeling a bit down in the dumps.
Usually preceded by the: a state of apathy or lack of interest
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in the doldrums
I was in the doldrums yesterday and just didn’t feel inspired.
o czymś nieciekawym, smętnym
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(to be) sad-assed
That is one sad-assed town!
(slang, derogatory) One who has unfashionable interests or obsessions
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a sad ass
I'm gonna play that game when I get home! What a sad ass.
o ciszy po burzy
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the calm after the storm
after a storm comes a calm
niewzruszony. not surprised or worried
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She seems unfazed by her sudden success and fame. she was completely unfazed by the extraordinary events

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