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Of Plymouth Plantation
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William Bradford (XVII)
A Model of Christian Charity
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John Winthrop (1630)
The Flesh and The Spirit
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Anne Bradstreet (XVII)
To My Dear and Loving Husband
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Anne Bradstreet (XVII)`
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Edward Taylor (XVII)
On the Equality of the Sexes
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Judith Sargent Murray (XVIII)
Letters from an American Farmer
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John Hector st. John de Crevecoeur (XVIII)
Rip Van Winkle
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Washington Irving (XIX)
Young Goodman Brown
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Nathaniel Hawthorne (XIX)
The Fall of the House of Usher
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Edgar Allan Poe (XIX)
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Ralph Waldo Emerson (XIX)
Narrative of the Life of Federick Douglass, an American Slave
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Federick Douglass (XIX)

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