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question réponse
strona tytułowa
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cover page
klient docelowy
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target customer
ryzyko krytyczne
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critical risk
spis treści
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Table of Contents
rafort finansowy
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financial report
plan marketingowy
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Marketing plan
analiza konkurencji
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competitive analysis
plan produktu/usługi
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product/service plan
plan operacyjny/rozwoju
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operations and development plan
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propozycja, produkt
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opis firmy
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company description
aneks, dodatek, załącznik
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zespol kierowniczy
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management team
streszczenie dla kierownictwa
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executive summary
plan finansowy
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finanacial plan
opis firmy
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business description
osiągnąć cele
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achieve the goals
określenie rynku docelowego
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identify the target market
strategia marketingowa
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marketing strategy
bieżące potrzeby
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current needs
ustawić cele
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set objectives
rozwój branży
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industry growth
myśl przewodnia
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the mission statement
godziny pracy
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working hours
polityka podatkowa
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tax policy
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globalne ocieplenie
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global warming
koszty zycia
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costs of living
płaca minimalna
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minimum wage
stabilność polityczna
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political stability
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dostępność kredytowa
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credit availability
normy kulturowe
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cultural norms
P - polityczne
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P - political
E - ekonomiczne
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E - economic
S - spoleczny
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S - social
T - technologiczny
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T - technological
E - srodowiskowy
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E - environmental
L - prawny
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L - legal

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