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question réponse
sytona 27
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sytona 27
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
a burglary
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commencer à apprendre
co jest nie tak
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what is wrong
o co chodzi
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what’s the matter
nie wygladasz dobrze
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you do not look well
ktoś do mojego
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someone to mine
kto zrobił tez
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whoever did it also
co moge zrobic
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what can I do
nie wiem co robic
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I do not know what to do
czy powinienem
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should I
czy mołbys mi pomoc?
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could you help me
co powinienem zrobic
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what should I do
mysle ze powinienes
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I think you should
gdybym byl toba
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If I were you
dlwczego ty nie
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why don't you
to moze byc dobry pomysl
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that might be a good idea
mysle ze masz racje
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I think you're right
to jest dobry pomysl
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that's a good idea
nie jestem co do tego przekonany
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I am not sure about that
tak moze masz tacje
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yes maybe you’re right
to nie jest zly pomysl
commencer à apprendre
it's not a bad idea

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