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to be equal in amount or value, or to make things equal in amount or value:
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balance out
I spend a lot one month and not so much the next and in the end it balances out.
tracic cierpliwosc
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lose temper, run out of patience
he keeps running out of patience when his students don't listen to him
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be up and running
the coffee machine is up and running again
very attractive and tempting
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does that sound like an appealing idea to you
Zawalic cos
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mess something up/ I dropped the ball
I know I really dropped the ball on that one
palnelam glupstwo
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I've made a blunder
I've made a blunder at work and don't know how to resolve it
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that was an oversight
Cos mnie bierze/ rozklada mnie
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I'm coming down with something
if you feel as if you're coming down with something don't wait until it gets worse
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jest troche mniej pracy
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things are less hectic
zwolnic tempo
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slack off
It's Friday which means we can all slack off a bit
Mec teraz duzo na glowie
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I'm juggling a lot right now / have got something on your plate
She's got a lot on her plate - especially with two new projects starting this week.
sprzeczka / kłótnia
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feud [fjud]
a family feud a ten-year-old feud between the two countries
cios ponizej pasa
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low blow
Criticizing his wife’s family was a low blow.
uznac cos za wlasciwe
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see fit
... but feel free to add some spices as you see fit
pech, wtopa
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bad luck, bummer [bamer]
"I've left my wallet at home." "What a bummer!"
nie jestem fanka czegos
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I'm not a fan of sth/ I'm not too big on
I'm not too big on sweet breakfast
miarka sie przebrala
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that was the last straw
rozchodzic buty
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I need to break in my new shoes
ustepowac komus, mieknac
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Tom finally relented and agreed to...

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