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odnosić się do czegoś ze szczyptą rezerwy, sceptycyzmem, nie na poważnie
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to take with a grain of salt / take with a pinch of salt
I have read the article, but I take it with a grain of salt. I’ll take anything he says with a grain of salt. I’ve heard some reports of his achievements, but I take it with a grain of salt.
iść prosto do celu (z ignorowaniem utartych szlaków). To head directly and quickly toward something or some place.
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to make / strike a beeline /ˈbiːlaɪn/ for / to something
Rob always makes a beeline for beautiful women. I knew the boss was angry, so when I saw him come in, I made a beeline for the break room. Once the toy store opened, all the adults made a beeline for the popular toys to buy for their children.
kopać sobie/komuś grób - szkodzić komuś/sobie, robić coś na cudzą/własną zgubę
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to dig one’s own grave
She dug her own grave when she started talking behind her boss’s back. Getting too close to local hooligans means you’re digging your own grave.

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