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question réponse
jak moge dotrzec do
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how can I get to
jakiego jestes wzrostu?
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how tall are you?
ile ksiazek kupiles_
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how many books did you buy
dokad pojechal joo_-
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where did joo go
kiedy mnie znowu odwiedzisz_
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when will you visit me again_
kiedy jedziesz na wakacje
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when are you leaving for holiday
kiedy jedziesz na wakacje?
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when are you going on holiday?
pozdrawiam serdecznie
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Best wishes, greetings
ona jest u babci
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she is at her grandma's
gramy, ukladamy puzle. ogladamy bajki
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we play, compose puzzles. watch cartoons
szczoteczka do zabow
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toy brush
myje zeby
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I brush my teeth
sprzatanie, pranie, prasowanie
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cleaning, washing, ironing
myc rece
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Wash your hands
chodzic na silownie
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go to the gym
wychodzic z domu
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go out
zostac w
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stay in
mecz pilki noznej
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football match
czytac ksiazke
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read a book
opiekowac sie dziecmi
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to look after -take care of-babysit
zajmowac sie
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musimy zatrudnic
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we need to hire
prawie nigdy nie mam wolnego czasu
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I hardly ever have free time
zdarza mi sie utknac w korku w drodze do pracy
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I sometimes get stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work

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