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polowa dnia
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half a day/ A half-day
A half-day is a day when you work in the morning...
przymierzyc cos
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try something on
wyprobowac cos
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try something out
I am trying out my new shoes
upiorny, pelen grozy
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an eerie silence [iri]
przebojowy (o osobie)
active, confident, and determined[often when you would not expect them to be, for example because they are old or ill.]
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feisty [fejsti]
At 66, she was as feisty as ever
przejdzmy do sedna
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let's get to the point/ cut to the chase
please, stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase
mam totalna pustke
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my mind is a blank
nie chce mi sie
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I can't be bothered
I know that I have to do it but ... I can't be bothered
lekceważenie(rz), lekcewazyc (v)
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His behaviour shows a total disregard for other people. She chose to disregard my advice.
w biegu (w trakcie wykonywania innych czynności
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on the run (during other activities)/ on the fly
everything was done on the fly
podobnie, tak samo
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Water these plants twice a week and likewise the ones in the bedroom. Watch what she does and then do likewise.

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