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wprawiać w ruch
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set into motion
The need for self-control sets into motion a coordinated set of changes in the brain and body
szaleniec, wariat
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opanowany (o osobie), spokojny (np. o miasteczku)
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obrót (np. koła, silnika)
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rev, rev up
The sympathetic nervous system revs the body into action.
niechętnie, opornie (robić coś)
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Reluctantly, they had to resist the sweets—and that’s when heart rate variability went up.
obciążenie, wysiłek
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This loan is a real strain on our budget
zwracać koszty
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nieoczekiwany przypływ gotówki
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zieleń, roślinność
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pełzać, stopniowo rosnąć
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creep up

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