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question English réponse English
(ABS) is activated in response to
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fear / distress / illness/sickness / intensive tiredness
The ABS is deactivated when
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fear / distress / illness/sickness / intensive tiredness are not present
When The ABS is deactivated
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activation of the exploration behavioral system
Hiperactivisation (ANXIETY, AMBIVALENCE)
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Oversensitivity and boosting of: th need for closeness, emotional responses and the problem
Deactivation (AVOIDANCE)
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Distancing toward: needfor closeness, AF, and the problem (supression of the need for closeness and support)
The Function of Attachment
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Infants (the child without language) cannot survive alone. They need protection, warmth, and care from at least one adult usually the mother, a heaven of safety. Infants also need guidance, gentle challenges and a secure base from which to explore.
Attachment patterns according to Ainsworth
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Secure attachment  Anxious-ambivalent  Anxious-avoidan
Attachment patterns according to Main & Solomon (1990)
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