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question réponse
przy wejściu
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at the entrance
obok wyjścia
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next to the exit
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Sprawdź to
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check it out
ze względu na mnie/ z uwagi na / na potrzeby
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for my sake / for the sake of
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zły nastrój
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low mood
przystosować się
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umiejętność, zdolność
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niewydolnie, nieefektywnie,
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bezpośredni, bezpośrednio
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direct, directly
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wpływ, oddziaływanie
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dług, wpływ czyjś na kogoś
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Jeżeli chodzi o, odnośnie, biorąc pod uwagę
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pod względem, jeśli chodzi o, z punktu widzenia
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in terms of
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problemy z wymową
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speech problems
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w związku z tym, dlatego
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po to aby
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so that
oswojony, potulny, oswoić, poskromić
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odpowiedzialny przed kims, uległy, posłuszny, podlegający
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uległy, posłuszny, pokorny
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submissive, it's hard to play the role of the submissive wife,
napominać, upominać
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wpływ, oddziaływanie
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upominac sie
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na prośbę
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at the request of
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a plate
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oddział w szpitalu
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hospital ward
przedział w pociągu
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compartment on the train
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worried, conserned,
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wyodrębnić, odróżnić, różny, odmienny, odrębny, inny
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odrębność, wyrazistość, odmienność
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zdecydowanie nie
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certently not
dość zadziwiajace
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quite amazing
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jako całość
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as a whole, as all
świadomy wybór
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conscious decision
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zapalenie płuc
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stawy (anatomia)
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joints (anatomy) knee- joint
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zapalenie oskrzeli
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w porządku, w kolejności, w celu, pokolei
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in order
w celu, żeby
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in order to
wymagany, potrzebny, konieczny
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w razie potrzeby
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in required
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inadequate, inappropriate
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niewłaściwie, nieodpowiedno
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świszczący oddech, astmatyczny
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whezzy breath
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podzielona decyzja
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split decysion
oddzielić od
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split from
Ja też nie
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Me neither, neither do I
pozycja, element, punkt
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poza, za czymś
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nie do uwierzenia
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beyond belief
poza kontrolą
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beyond control
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beyond repair
grypa żołądkowa
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stomach flu
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egzaltacja, rozkosz
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ospały senny
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lethargic sleepy
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spięty / napięty
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tense / tense
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urażony, dotknięty
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resentful / they feel resentful
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gorzki, rozgoryczony
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zirytowany, rozdrazniony
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to run over
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light bulb
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po przyjeździe
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upon arrival
rozszerzać, zwiększać, rozwijać, powiększać się
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expand / you did say you wanted to expend your horizonts / my company is expending very quickly
posępny, też o pogodzie, it's glumy
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kciuk w górę
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thumb up
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odsłonić, ujawnić, wykazać, uwidocznić, odkryć
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ought to
slang - riski, untrustworthy, podejrzany, też o ludziach
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niegodny zaufania
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slang - this dress is out ther, it's not for me, Bob is out ther but he has got good hard
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out there
się przydać, usefull,
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come in handy
w kraju, w warunkach domowych, np. if you travel domestically you don't need to fly
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potknąć się, popelnic błąd,
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trip up (everyone can be tripped up sometime)
uczciwe traktowanie, sprawiedliwe traktowanie
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fair shake
robić coś przeciwko autrrytetowi...
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to fight the man
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blast out
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convicted/ sentenced
zostać skazanym
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be sentenced
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plycizna, płytki powierzchowny
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overlooked / I overlooked this fragment / you can't overlook anything when you're are looking for the truth
pogardliwy, wzgardliwy
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contemptuous, she is openly contemptuous of such things, he had been cruel and contemptuous to her
pokrywać się, zachodzić na siebie
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overlap (this two issues overlap)
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spowodowany, w skotek, dzięki
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due to
uszkodzony, uposledzony, osłabiony, zaburzony (też np. upośledzenie czynności wątroby...
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another one
Cały czas czuję swędzenie
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I feel itchy all the time
nos mnie swędzi
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my nose itches
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spięte mięśnie
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tense muscles
tu mam bardzo spięte miesnie
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my muscles are very tense here
Za mocno uciskadz
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you are pressing too hard
taka naracja
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such a narration
taka retoryka
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such rhetoric
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zaszkodzić, krzywdzić, przynosić szkodę,
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tablice rejestracyjne
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Byłem chory, ale teraz jestem wyleczony
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I was sick but I am now cured
został wyleczony
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was cured
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zaburzenia psychiczne
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psychiatric disorders
są to zaburzenia psychiczne, które można leczyć
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these are psychiatric disorders that can be treated
takie choroby można z powodzeniem leczyć
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such diseases can be successfully trated
można wyleczyć
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can be cured
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przede wszystkim, w zasadzie, zasadniczo, w gruncie rzeczy
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essentially Thous two pictures are essentially different
przyczyna, powód,
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the reason, cause
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catch / cathed
przyczyna, powodować, powód, sprawiać, przyczynić, przyspozyc, sprawa, cel
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cause - do the police know the cause of the accident? this all for the cause
wspólny, powszechny, zwykł, zwyczajny, pospolity, popularny, typowy
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wyszarpać, zerwać, naciągnąć, ukraść, zdzierać
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rip off
prosperować, powodzić, kwitnąć
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głęboki, gruntowny, dogłębny, przenikliwy
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Przeciwny, sprzeczny z intuicja/że zdrowym rozsądkiem
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counterintuitive, bioenergy is something which seems counterintuitive
kusić, korcić
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podeptać, potraktować z góry, przejechać, złamać, lekcewazyc/uchylić, lekceważyć, przełączyć na sterowanie ręczne nadpisanie,
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override - as your superior I can override this decision, stans can and do override federal laws all the time
ostrożny, powściągliwy, pełen rezerwy, strzeżony chroniony
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guarded (this prison is guarded, why he is so guarded?
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nie mam pamięci do twarzy
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I have no memory of faces
wyraźny, znaczący, nacechowany, napiętnowany
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swobodnie, dowolnie, bez przeszkód
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freely- you can speak freely during this discussion
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brak precyzji, mętność, niejasność, ogólnikowosc,
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vagueness, ther is the vagueness of many of the terms
upoważniony, posiadać uprawnienia, wzmacniać, wspierać,
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empowered / in many countries woman are still not empowered, // it empowered authorities,
upoważnić, umożliwiać, dać prawo
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gniew, uraz, oburzenie,
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obezwładnić, ubezwłasnowolnić,
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drzemiący, uśpiony
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dormant - we need to awaken the skills and talents that are dormant within ouetselfs
rozeznanie, wnikliwość, roztropność
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discernment - we need more discernment on this topic
wnikliwy, rozeznanie
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przejrzysty, klarowny
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okoliczności łagodzące
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extenuating circumstances
odłączyć, oddziel oderwać
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detach - children were detached from their mother / detach the last page
ogromny, olbrzymi
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enormous- you've been an enormous help for me, that in itself is an enormous change
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in principle (in principle I like the idea)
podstawowy, początkowy, pierwszy, zasadniczy, główny
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primary - the primery activity of... primary gaverment responsibilies / my primary consern is...
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unconsciously - most people are entirely unconscious of thous facts.
wyraźny, nacechowany, znaczący
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pokonac, porażka, odrzucone
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defeated / it was an embarrassing defeated, if these amendments are defeated... poprawki
pogarda dla siebie
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self contempt
dziedzina nauki
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branch of science
mało zbadane
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little explored
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conclusions, deductions, motions
trwały, uporczywy, ciągły, zawzięty, natarczywy, nieustępujący
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persistent, I am persistent when something matters, persistent nose bleeding, I am fed up with this persistent rain
spotkanie, napotkać, natknąć, spotkać,
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encounter - although we might encounter diffficulties the end result will be a happy one. / children who encounter violence...
cecha, funkcja, funkcjonalność, artykol, reportaz
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skutki uboczne, efekt uboczny
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side effects
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poczucie zagrożenia
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sence of threat
rozpowszechniony, szerzący się, dominujący, wszechobecna. przenikający
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pervasive - soldiers were pervasive everywhere / pervasive sadness / the smell of sweat was pervasive
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assess (we must assess their advantages and weaknesses alongside ather solutions
początek, nadejście
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onset (the onset of winter / the age of onset - wiek występowania
pozorny, fikcja, udawany, oszustwo, przekręt
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sham... his sarcasm is just a sham / I fear that the deal is a sham / our marriage is a sham, but it's great for publicity
pokonany, udaremniony,
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poważny, ciężki, surowy, Silny
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zniekształcenie, zakłócenie, wypatrzenie
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distortions - distortions of truth, those lead to distortions in...
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utrzymać, utrzymywać (nie w sensie materialnym?)
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maintain - we need to maintain the critical approach
rozległy, obszerny
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extensive / the sytuation has become more acute and extensive
powściągliwy, skrępowany, zahamowany, (np. rozwój)
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inhibited - due to all this criticism he felt inhibited
rozpocząć? rozpoczynanie, wsiadanie
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zaokrętować, rozpocząć
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podnoszący na duchu
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rzuć okiem
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take a peak
wyróżniony, opisany
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mogę cię kawałek odprowadzić
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I can escort you for a while
skrzyżowanie dróg
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mogę pójść z tobą kawałek
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I can go a piece with you
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wynika z
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results from the
odchudzam się
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I'm losing weight
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pewny, jakis, określony, niewątpliwy,
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z wyprzedzeniem, z góry, wcześniej,
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in advance
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kolejny, sukcesywny, kolejny, następujący po sobie
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osłabiające, wyniszczajeca, działające destrukcyjnie
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debilitating - if that is the case I find it very debilitating for all of us
uzasadniony, słuszny
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justifiable- but they usually have a reason, again whether that is justifiable or not
wyłącznie, jedynie, całkowicie
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solely - what you need is someone who is solely on your side
siła, wytrzymałość
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pomimo, mimo
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despite - despite her troubles she passed all exams
powolny, ospały, rozlazły
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przejść przez coś
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make it through something
ustalić, tworzyć
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sove down
rozwala mnie, dmuchuje mnie
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blowing me away
bierze to na siebie, żeby wszystko załagodzić
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takes it on to smooth things over
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na całym świecie, ogólnoświatowy, na światowa skalę
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wynik, rezultat
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zakup, kupić, nabyć,
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purchase - did you purchased anything here?
zniechęcić, zrazić, zdemotywowac, zniesmaczyć, zniechęcić
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discourage- we should discourage him from coming here / I hope my story didn't discourage you
, podda się, ulec
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succumb- even she had succumbed last night, after all these years
w pewnym stopniu, nieco, trochę, niejako
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somewhat (the show was somewhat interesting / I think ther is a real chance of easing the situation somewhat.
śmiałość, zuchwalosc, tupet, czelność, bezczelność
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audacity - one does not have the audacity to ask for money
oddalić się, wyprowadził się
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moved away
skorzystać, wykorzystać
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take advantage of (you can take advantage of our tools.
niejasny, mglisty, metny, duznaczny, nieokreślony,
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wyczerpanie, uszczuplenie, zmniejszenie
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depletion - thouse unexpected expenses resulted in depletion of our bank account
pobłażac, dogadzać, pozwalać sobie, folgowac
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indulge / who not indulge yourself a little, while you have the chance?
ulec, poddać się
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succumb / even she had succumbed last night, after all years.
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overshadow / thous people have been overshadowed by some force beyond my understanding
wady, minusy, mankamenty, niedogodności
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drawbacks / I fail to notice drowbags in your proposal
nagle, niespodziewanie
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all of a sudden
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mindless I had to be mindless not to think about it
zakłócać, przerwać,
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ciężki przypadek
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severe case
ciężki, dotkliwy, poważny, ostry
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acquainted - I won't to get acquainted with them all
z zawodu
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by profession
ciężar, obciążenie, brzemię
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burden / I have to carry this burden on my own
oszałamiający, fantastyczny
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stunning / my dear you are stunning/ the result is stunning
oszołomiony, odurzony, zszokowany
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oszołomić, olśnienic, epatować,
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ilość, wielkie ilości?
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sposób myślenia, nastawienie, mentalność
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mindset / we must not get caught in their mindset
konserwacja, utrzymanie
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wyczerpany, odpływać, osuszać
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drained - he was completely drained of energy / the blood dreined from her face
zacierać się, zatrzeć, ścierać
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rub off - the teacher rubbed off the bleckboard
Niedźwiedź/ znieść, znosić, scierpuec, nosić,
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ciężko się pogodzić z myślą,
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it's hard to beat the thought
zyskiwać, zdobyć, korzystac, zarabiać wskórać
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gain / a teacher must gain the trust of his students
wytrwać, nie ustawać
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persevere / the treatment is painful, but I'm going to persevere with it
mimo, na przekór, wbrew, na złość, w przeciwieństwie
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in spite of / in spite of optimistic declarations the future of NATO is in question today, they travel abroad every year in spite of the cost
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strzec się, wystrzegać, uważać na
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beware / be aware of the dog / pleas be beware what you say to the clients
ogólny, całkowity, w sumie, ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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overall /overall I think you did a good job
zaskakująco, zadziwiająco, niespodziewanie
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inner - inner beauty
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popęd, chęć, Ochota, impuls, pragnienie, nakłaniać, namawiać, zalecać, ponaglać
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urge / I couldn't resist the urge to... don't urge me
dychotomiczbe myslenie
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dichotomous thinking
przypływ siły
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surge of strenght
nastawienie, podejście, stosunek, postawa, sposób myślenia
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attitude / I don't understand your attitude towards her / what is your attitude to this case?
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przepraszam, że Cię zaczepiam
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I'm sorry to bother you
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wstrętny, paskudny, podły
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vile (all wars are vile)
przybierać na wadze
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gain weight
przetrwać objawy odstawienia
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survive the withdrawal symptoms
Między innymi
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Inter alia, among ather / this include inter alia...
między innymi
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among ather
krótki wypad
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brief getaway
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resolve / the problem resolved itself
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stałość, konsekwencja, ciągłość, zgodność
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roczny, rocznie
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minęło zbyt dużo czasu
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too much time went by
wzruszyłam się
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I was moved
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outcast / being outcast has been my life
łagodzenie sytuacji
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easing the sytuation
dogadzać, pobłażać
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być czujnym, zachować czujność
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be vigilate / the police have urged citizens to stay vigilate
sprzyjające warunki
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favorable conditions
w moim srodowisku
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in my environment
w moim otoczeniu
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in my surroundings
nie jest dobrze widziane
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it is not well seen
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initially / I didn't like him initially
ciąg narkotykowy
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drug chain
spełnić (np. warunek), realizować, wykonywać
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fulfill / he has fulfilling his half of it
gdy, podczas natomiast, podczas gdy, zważywszy na to, mając na uwadze
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whereas - she likes pizza whereas I like tomato soup
ie na temat, poza tematem
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off the topic
soczewki kontaktowe
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contact lenses
zniekształcony, sfałszowany, zdeformowany, wykrzywiony, przekłamany
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odrzuć pacjenta, anuluj spotkanie,
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dismiss patient, cancel meeting,
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przełożyć, odroczyć
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postpone / we will postpone the meeting
sięgnąć dna
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reach the bottom
wszystko było zgodne z założeniami programu
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everything was acvordanc with the program asdumptions
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oprócz (tego...), poza (tym),
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całkowicie, zupełnie, kompletnie
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entirely - I entirely agree... this is not entirely theoretical
wyczerpany, uszczuplony,
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depleted - our food supply will soon depleted / i feel so depleted
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to nic zobowiązujacego, nie jest to wiążące
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it's nothing binding
wiążący, zobowiązujący, obowiązujący
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układ pokarmowy
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digestive system
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odnosząc się do
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reffering to
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spowodowany, dzięki, w skórek, z powodu, w zwiazku z, przez, że względu na,
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due to
wycofał się
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withdrew / because of the injury, Tom withdrew from the competition/ our sponsors have withdrew from the project
nadmiar, nadwyżka,
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excess / I wish you nice day without excess stress
z pewnością
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pewny, jakis, określony, ustalony
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certain - each of us likes and dislikes certain aspects of it / it can be a good solution for the certain period
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adresowany do, skierowany
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aimed - the grup is aimed at people who...
myślę, że to ma duże znaczenie/ Myślę, że to robi dużą różnicę
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I think it makes a big difference
Jeśli chodzi o
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as for
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trzymać w napięciu, w niepewności,
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keep in suspence
napięcie, niepewność
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suspense - she kept me frozen in suspense as awaiting for her response
zawieszenie, wstrzymanie
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suspension - I move for suspension of all future action,
wytrwałość, samozaparcie
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perseverance - to emerge from such a trauma takes time and perseverance
pojawić się, wynikać, wyłonić się, ukazywać się, też podnieść się, wydostawać się (z kłopotów)
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emerge - the sun emerged from behind the clouds / he emerged out of the accedent without a scratch / i was really surprised when the truth emerged
ostry (o ostrym przebiegu np. choroby), dotkliwy, dręczący, poważny (o problemie), przenikliwy, przeszywający (ból)
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acute - she suffers from acute back pain, the cause of his death was acute pneumonia
jeśli tak jest, w takim przypadku, jeśli o to chodzi,
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if that is a case - even if that is a case, and I don't think it is, I can handle myself/ it's not 100% essential but it's good idea if thet is the case
nieco, nie znacząco, lekko, nieznacznie
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slightly - she is slightly older than him/ can you move it slightly to the left?
powitać, przywitać
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greet - she greeted her husband / the singer greeted his fans
usunąć się, zapaść, opadać, kryzys
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slump - the body slumped down to the ground, I'm going through temporary slump
podatność, wrażliwość, słaby punkt
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vulnerabiloty / he's got a vulnerability you can exploit / the signs of our vornelability have always been there
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za jakiś czas
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in a while
odrobinę, kawałeczek
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tiny bit /
w prawdzie...
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in truth ... in fact,... in fact last night I ate a little grape, but literally a little
zastosować się, stosować się, (współdziałać?)
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comply - if you comply right away, then they just come back and want more
przynieść odwrotny skutek, obracać się przeciwko komuś, czemu
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Beck fire / everything new I try seem to backfire / this is a strategy which will backfire
uległy, zgodny (z zasadami), zgodny z czymś...
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compliant / France asserts that this is compliant with European union law / and some awful compliant woman
ostatnio, niedawno, całkiem niedawno, bardziej współcześnie już wcześniej,
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more recently / more recently I wrote an article
bądź konsekwentny, pozostać konsekwentnym, spójną
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stay consistant
potrzebny, potrzebujący
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needful / thous meetings are needful both for us and them // she was his most needful person
polegać na sobie
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we can lean on each other, you can lean on me
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humid / the climate is warm and humid
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specific, particular / one particular student is having big problems / I asked you a specific question
jeśli chodzi o
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when it comes to..., as for
wymagający, wymagac
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demanding, demand / woman should demand more respect / who gave you the right to demand anything?
skromny, pokorny, prosty o pochodzeniu społecznym,
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humble / he always remained a very humble man
pozostawać, uchować się
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remain / the prices remained unchanged, he decided to remain at home
, trwać nadążać
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keep up / I can't keep up with what she is saying / if this situation keeps up, I will go bankrupt
problemy trawienne
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digestive issues
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możliwy, wykonalny, prawdopodobny, osiągnąlny
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feasible / it is ambitious but feasible plan
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wyprawa, przedsięwzięcie, interes
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venture / it will not be a trip but a venture / he seems to have put his hard into the venture
równia pochyla, śliskie zbocze
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slippery slope
uciążliwy, dokuczliwy, kłopotliwy,
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bothersome / bothersome headache,
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na szczęście / chciał ze mną pojechać, ale na szczęście zmienił zdanie
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fortunately / he wanted to go with me, but fortunately he changed his mind
za dużo, zbyt wiele
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way too much, far too much
w zaprzeczeniu, zaprzeczać
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in denial / It's not healthy to be in denial, first we need to be in denial / yas, but I would prefer to be in denial for as long humanly possible
jak również
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as well as
szczególna cechą, osobliwość, dziwactwo
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peculiarly / it was a peculiarity of this cat to be sleeping all the time
jeśli to nie miesza...
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if it doesn't mess with (if it doesn't mess with you mine, if it doesn't mess with you food
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walczyć, walka, bój
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combat / he managed to combat his alkoholism / this combat could nor be avoided
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acquaintance (she's not really my friend, she's just a acquaintance
wyzdrowieć, dochodzić do siebie, odzyskać
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marudzący, płaczliwy, jęczące, mazgajowaty
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whiny /
przekonany o uprawnieniu do bycia wyjątkowo traktowanym, samozwańczy, zadufany,
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self-entitled / you are ungrateful and self - entitled
przeszkoda, bariera
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obstacle, we encountered another obstacle /
chwalić się
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brag / boast/... well unlike him I don't like to brak about..., I don't want to brak
z pewnością, na pewno, oczywiście, naturalnie
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surely / can i borrow this book - surely / she surely deserves a rise
targować się
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bargain, haggle / he came to me and wanted to bargain for his life / she nows how to haggle
mimo iz, pomimo, chociaż, bez względu, niezależnie od
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despite, I went to school despite my illness /despite the dystans I visit them every week
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oprócz tego, dodatkowo
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in addition / ther were two people in addition to her / in addition, I won't to mention two important things
zazdroszczę Ci
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I envy you / your alweys were a lucky stiff, and I envy you
, bezcenny nieoceniony
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invaluable / he told me that I was invaluable to him
skromny, niewielki
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modest /you are too modest / she wore a modest dress/ the gift was modest but very sweet
pożądany, wskazany 2. pociągający, atrakcyjny o osobie
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desirable / a knowing of the market is highly desirable in this job / i found her very desirable
bezstronny, sprawiedliwy
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fair- minded / just wonted to show you haw fair-minded I am / Thom was always fair-minded
wrażliwy, bezbronny, narażony, podatny, zagrożony, bezradny
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vulnerable / your relationship with Nick makes you vulnerable / not knowing makes me vulnerable
przymus, wew. przymus, nieodpartą chęć, zauroczenie
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compulsion / he felt the compulsion so from long ago / he could feel her trying to use a compulsion on him
droczyć się, drażnić, dokuczać, kpić, prowokować, kokietować
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tease / why do you tease her every time you see her? my brother is always teasing me, / he teased her to kiss him
różnica zdań, sprzeciw, bunt, czarownik: mieć odrębne zdanie, odciąć się, odstąpić, oponować
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dissent / I am going to dissent from this popular opinion / let's not to be enemies due to our dissent
podejmować niewykonalne zobowiązania, nadmiernie się angażować, nadmierne zobowiazania, przesadzac
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overcommitting/ I don't won't to overcommitting/ my advice is not to overcommitting to the pizza / they thought I was overcommitting and psychologically unstable
uścisk, objęcia, przyjęcie np. ideologii, wziąść w objecia
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embrace / his embrace was so strong I thought he broke my rib / the embrance of the idea was great shock to me
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posiadanie /
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possessing / it's a question of possessing basic skils
pytanie, ale też kwestia, zagadnie
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question /this question will be solved next week
odważny, śmiały
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brave, bold
zaprzeczać, sprzeciwić, są sprzeczne z
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contradict / we can't openly contradict our own programme
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sought / I found a long sought brother
zdecydowanie, stanowczo
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decidedly / this car is decidedly better than the previous one
próba, usiłowanie,
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attempt / she attempted to smile / they made no attempt to escape
przejść, poddawać się (np. badaniom), ulec, znieść,
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undergo, underwent, undergone, everything in life undergoes changes, you have to undergo a surgery, he tells of his experiences that he has undergone in his travel, she was in coma for tree months and then underwent multiple surgeries
przedwczesny (np. śmierć) przedterminowy
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ponad wszystko, przede wszystkim, zwłaszcza
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above all / above all she wanted to know what he was thinking / it was above all an issue between the workers and the company
zwiększać, poprawiać, wzmacniać, uwydatnić
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enhance / knowledge of foreign language wil enhance your chances to get this job / add some sauce to enhance the taste of the meat
spełnienie, spełniać, wypełnienie, satysfakcja
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osadzony, wbudowany, wpisany zakorzeniony
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embedded / it's embedded in west society / a small piece of glass was embedded in her thinger / a sense of guilt was deeply embedded in my conscience
zniechęcenie / patrząc na żonę zobaczyłem w jej oczach zniechęcenie
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discouragement / as I looked at my wife I saw discouragement in her eyes
dowcip, żywość umysłu
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esprit /
odłożyć na bok
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put somthing aside / let's put aside our differences and talk / you need to put aside any normal emotional response that you have
skłonność, upodobanie, tendencja
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inclination / I have this inclination to feel lonely / they are born with selfish nasty inclinations
pobieżny, powierzchowny, zdawkowy
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cursory / cursory investigation has revealed that to be false/ it was a cursory psyche assessment
oszacowanie, ocena, wycena
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assessment / her assessment of the situation is far from objective
pobieżna ocena psychiki
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cursory psyche assessment
poczekać na dole
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wait down /
zlagodzic, ograniczenie
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mitigate /we have to mitigate the conflict between these two groups, this medicine will mitigate your pain
przeoczenie, niedopatrzenie
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oversight / it was just an an oversight on a form
wzajemność, obopolnosc
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reciprocity / I think that we have here, first and foremost, a problem with reciprocity
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ultimately,... finally,... in the end,... at the end of a day..., after all,... eventually
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bake, roast
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rdzeń, istota, sedno
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the core / with his last question he got to the core.
do rdzenia, do szpiku kości, do sedna
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to the core / you rotten to the core / I come now to the core of my argument
dojść do sedna, do rdzenia,
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get to the core / we need to get to the core reasonce of the problem
zepsuty, zgniły, zdemoralizowany
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rotten, rotten eggs smell torible, you are rotten to the core
korelacja, współzależność
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correlation, / ther is no correlation between time and culture /
zatem, stąd, tak więc, dlatego
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thus / I have a lot of work thus I can't help you
pocieszać... konsola, pulpit
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wymądrzać się,
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smart off
odpuszczać sobie
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let it go, skip, give up on, / I was thinking we might skip that show tomorrow / maybe it's time to give up the test / best think you can do is just let it go / I can skip the dinner if you wont me to go with you
pogodzić się z, zaakceptować
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come to terms with /she come to terms with the fact that she can't have children
sprawy światowe
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world affairs
sprawa, wydarzenie, afera, kwestia
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affair, I know nothing about the affair at all, his own role in the affair was not clear enough
pragnę tego,
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I crave it
w wolnych chwilach, gdy mam wolną chwilę
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in my spare time, in my free time, when I have a free moment, free minute
przeszkoda, bariera
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obstacle / we 've overcome all obstacles
mianowicie, to jest, zwłaszcza,
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tak zwany,
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so-called, my so-called friend turned out to be a traitor, the new tax system will affect the so-called middle class the most
odpuszczenie, charakter, tempomat, usposobienie, morale, nastrój moralny
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tempering, drawing temper, / he is known for his short temper/ the temper in the country is changing
porywczy, wybuchowy, nie opanowany
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short-tempered, quick tempered
wzajemny, wspólny
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mutual / our mutual trust was everything to me, Tom is our mutual friend
Niemniej jednak, jednakże, wszelako, pomimo
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nevertheless / nevertheless that's what happened, / I didn't tell him, nevertheless he found out somehaw
z grubsza, szorstki, przybliżony, burzliwy, trudny
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rough / it was a rough time for me, this is just a rough calculation, her skin was rough
schwytać, zdobywać, przejmować,
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capture, the prison was captured soon after he had escapeed, he captured all of the confidential data
różnorodność, rozmaitość,
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diversity / are you aware of the diversity of cultures in this city?,
czuję się wyczerpany,
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I feel depleted, I am too depleted to glamor you
oddalać się, opadać, ustępować, cofać się, malec,
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recede, I said that you did not recede even one step, my sense of panik is receding a bit now,
pracę domowe
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chores / I have some chores to do around the house
w, w wew., w obrębie, w środku, w ciągu, w czasie, w odległości, w ramach
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within / ther are four shops within this neighborhood, we will finish within an hour, I live within 5 miles of my work,
dodatkowy, uzupełniające, kolejne
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additional / he didn't receive any additional inst, they asked her an additional question
dzielić, podzielić, rozdzielić
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devide / I haven't yet decided how to devide the money / the present study will be devided up into two main parts
kręcić się
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revolve / my whole life does not revolve around being a mother / the story revolves around a girl with a lot of problems
zmieniać, wpływać, modyfikować
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alter / you never jump back to alter your own past, the amount of alkohol in this product may alter the effects of other medicines
przywrócony do życia, odnowiony, odbudowany
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przywracać, odbudować, odświeżyć
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restore /we have to restore order in this town, the car was restored to a good condition, i restored my high-school contacts
pogodzić się z myślą
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come to terms with the thought, accept the idea, get use to the idea, bear the thought /I can't face the thought that he left me,
wywoluje we mnie trudne emocje
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it causes difficult emotions in me, it pick up difficult emotions in me
brawura, odwaga, śmiały, ryzykowny, prowokujący
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daring / I am affrait that your daring may put others in danger, this is an ambition and daring strategy, his daring, new movie turned out to be very successful
nienasycony, niezaspokojony
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insatiable / he demonstrates an insatiable desire for knowledge, I have an insatiable appetite, she has insatiable curiosity
przetrwać, panować, zwyciężać, dominować
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prevail, that which is right, just and true can still prevail
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thrill, he might be not able to resist thrill
łudzić, mamić, zwodzić
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delude, a woman of your intelligence should not delude herself, we can't delude ourselves any longer
Cofnąć, odwrócić, naprawić
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undo / I would give everything to undo it, whatever I will do I can undo just like that
odzyskanie / odzyskał siły, musimy odzyskać kontrolę nad miastem, odzyskanie skupienia jest dla Ciebie niezbędne
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regaining / he regained his strength, we heve to regain the control of the city, regaining mental focus is essential for you right now
osiągnięcie, realizacja, spełnienie, urzeczywistnienie, realizacja
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accomplishment, Defeating him would be no great accomplishment, the accomplishment of the project took several weeks
różnorodność, rozmaitość, zróżnicowane, bogactwob
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diversity / are you aware of the diversity of cultures in this city?, diversity of the world is beautiful
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wyskakiwac, strzelać
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pop / the cam popęd out of a box, the thought of eating ice creams pops into my head
ciągnąć, wlec, wyciągać,
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drag / I managed to drag an old armchair out of the apartment, don't drag her with you if she wants to stay
uspokojony, pewność, zapewnił,
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reassured, the American people need to be reassured that they leadership is intace, he reassured me, that everything's is fine, I am reassured because I feel much the same as you
nienaruszony, nietknięty,
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intact, her face was intact during the accident, our determination is strong and intact
z kolei, po kolei, w zamian, w konsekwencji, co za tym idzie
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in turn/ the doctor will see you in turn, And, in turn, affecting me
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correct, improve, better, neaten, enhance / I'm going to improve my life, if ther are any mistakes please correct them, we should enhance the quality of our products, we can better the world with our actions /
zrehabilitować, przywrócić dobre imię, poprawić
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wylać, przelewać
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pour out, people poured out of the church onto street, would you pour out same orange juice for me please?
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make up, catch up on, I am trying to make up my wrong behavior, I have to catch up on paperwork
zabrzmiał, rozlegał się,
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rang out, I saw a glint right before the shots rang out, the orchestra rang out and filled the church with music
wykonalny, do zrobienia, sensowny
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doable, It wasn't be easy but it's definitely doable
korzystny, korzyść, zaletą, przewagę
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advantageous, this can be both advantageous and disadvantageous
gęsty, zwarty, zbity, tępy,
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dense, population in this area is very dense, the fog was very dense, come on, you are not dense
owijać w bawełnę, nie owijać w bawełnę, tylko powiedz mi prawdę
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to beat about the bush, don't beat about the bush, just tell me the true
szukać, ubiegać się, dążyć, zabiegać
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seek, sought/ I think she seeks confrontation with me, I' m seeking a way to see him again, he desperately sought help
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pogodny, niezmacony, blogi, spokojny
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serene, your daughter is so serene, I need serene silence to write, such a serene day is ideal for a walk
odzwyczaić się, oduczyć,
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wean off, I'm actually I'm trying to wean myself off from addiction,
rozbudować, powiększyć, wydłużyć, rozciągnąć się, rozszerzyć
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extend, we plan to extend the living room, the teacher agreed to extend the deadline, your power doesn't extend so far,
wręczać, przekazuje, oddaje
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handing, the teacher agreed to extend the deadline for handing in our essays, handing you a gun and a badge is a big responsibility
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liczne, kilkadziesiąt, szereg, wieloma,
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numerous, my boss made numerous changes in personnel
przede wszystkim, nade wszystko
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first and foremost, first and foremost he is a person,
nie czuję się na siłach,
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don't feel up to, I just don't feel up to it, unless you don't feel up to
w ten sposób
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in this way
występować, pojawić, dojść, zdarzać się,
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occur, cash return will occur during 14 days, serious problems like this occur very rarely
zręczność, sprawczosc, bystrość,
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dexterity, you definitely have the dexterity for carfiothoravic
odzyskac, przywrócić, zregenerować
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regain, I was sent here to help John regain balance
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harm, damage, wrong, injury, it is harm to very many human beings, he will pay for your injury, he hurt her with words and caused o lot of damage
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grievances, resent, claim, blame, but deep down they resent it,... but anyway, you have only your self to blame, he resented that I took the choice away from him
łagodzić, zlagodzic, ulżyć
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alleviate, it's our job to alleviate pain
wykrętny, wymijający, unik, unikać,
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evasive, don't try to be evasive,
przebrnę przez to
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wade through it
czym to jest spowodowane? co jest przyczyną
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what it is caused by?
zdrętwiały, otępiały, znieczulony, dretwy, bezwładny, sparaliżowany
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numb, my fingers quickly became numb in the cold, even when his girlfriend left him, he has felt numb, when she first heard the news, she was numb with disbelief, the only thing I want to feel right now is numb
nie dowierzać,
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disbelieve, I have no reason to disbelieve her
pogarszać, nasilić, pogłębić, denerwować,
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aggravate, it may aggravate the situation, now doctors nows, that it can aggravate these symptoms
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radiant, his radiant smile told me that everything was OK., you are as radiant as the moment we first met
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avalanche, ther is no big avalanche risk ther, poor people suffer particularly from the avalanche increase in prices
odnośnie tej sytuacji
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about this situation, regarding this situation,
pokazać coś, pochwalić się, podkreślić, popisywać się
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show something off, she gets embarrassed when her dad shows her off, he likes to show his muscles off, she showed her words off with expressive gestures, I thing he's just showing off,
odważny, śmiały, z uchwały, bezczelny, pogrubienie,
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bold, he made a bold decision, she wore a bold dress, your bold behavior is inappropriate,
równo, jednakowo, tak samo,
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equally, you have to cut the cake equally, his idea is equally impressive, he is equally good at maths and chemistry
wnikliwy, odkrywczy
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insightful, she says a lot of insightful things,
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podniecenie, podekscytowanie, rozemocjonowanie, ekscytującą syt
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ekscitement, he could hardly contain his excitement, the excitement of this day will remain in my memory
przechadzać się, spacerować, przechadzka
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stroll, stroll alone, thay have been strolling alone, but now they stopped
opanowanie, spokój, zimna krew
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composure, it was once of few Times she has ever lost her composure, I tryed to keep my composure, but...
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jednostka (też miary) urządzenie, oddział, Komórka, rozdział
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unit, this unit is active, each unit includes a playroom, unility facilities and bathroom, centimeter is a unit of measure,
pobieżny, powierzchowny, zdawkowy
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cursory, cursory investigation has revealed that to be false,
wady, skazy, bledy
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flaws, she had her flaws, but she was a good wife
wytrwałość, nieustępliwość, upór, zawziętość,
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tenacity, your tenacity reminds me of my wife
lekkomyślny, nierozważny,
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reckless, don't do anything reckless
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krok, chód, postep
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stride, it's a great stride, each decision is a stride forward,
nieprzyzwoity, obsceniczny, nie obyczajowy, skandaliczny
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indecent, the erotic scenes were felt by viewers to be indecent
widz, osoba oglądająca
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niejasny, nieprzejrzysty, zasłaniać, zaciemnić, mało znany
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obscure, officjal Policy has changed for obscure reasons, it is an obscure Island in the Pacific
coś jest uznawane za, brane pod uwagę
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something is considered, in some part's of the world, it's considered indisent for woman to dress like this
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grzmotnąć, walić, przejechać się na, mocno skrytykować, impreza, balanga
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bash, she likes bashing people for no reason
skąpiec, sknera
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skąpstwo, chytrosc
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niggardliness, she rebelled against his niggardliness
tolerancyjny, postępowy, liberalny, chojny,
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liberal, he has liberal views, he won't criticise your tattoo, he's very liberal,
niewyszukany, prosty, nieskomplikowany
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unsophisticated, I love such a simple and unsophisticated outfit
nawiedzać, straszyć, niepokoić, dręczyć, rzeczownik: ulubione miejsce spotkan
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haunt, my past will always haunt me, my name will haunt you to the grave
chełpliwy, pyszny
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na skraju czegoś, u progu,
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on the verge of something, she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown after the divorce, I am on the verge of solving this case
gdzie indziej, w innym miejscu
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elsewhere, he's not here, you should look for him elsewhere
zarzuca się, domniemywa się,
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it is alleged, it is alleged that he had them murdered with poison, it is alleged they were more convinced by his courage than his arguments
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bug, bedbugs,
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blaknąć, zanikać, blednac, słabnąć,
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fade, my bleck dress has faded, my ount is fading, I already said goodbye to her, the images started to fade away and everything around turned bleck
namacalny, wierny, konkretny,
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tangible, the important thing is that you're making tangible progress, the test results are tangible and comparable
groza, respekt, napawac trwoga, podziw, wywoływać podziw
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awe, I was awed by his anger, he watched his master in awe,
bystrość umysłu,
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mental acuity, The doctor said the stroke wouldn't affect her mental acuity
przewidywanie, oczekiwanie,
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anticipation, he waited in eager anticipation for her arrival, the anticipation is killing me
bolesny, w męczarniach, dręczący,
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agonizing, with repeated small doses of the toxin, death is both slow and agonizing, you know how agonizing it is for me
gidepost, są rodzajem gidepost w dorastaniu do ludzkości
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gidepost, they are a kind of gidepost in growing to humanity
worek, woreczek, zwolnić
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sack, I'll put everything into this sack
gruntownie, całkowicie, zupełnie, dokładnie
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throughly, I feel throughly exhausted, we have to work on this project carefully and throughly clean the room thoroughly
przypomnę, pozwól, że po prostu to dla ciebie podsumowuję
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recap, let me just recap this for you
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niezapomniany, skok ze spadochronem może być niezapomnianym przeżyciem
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unforgettable, a parachute jump can be an unforgettable experience
nie do zniesienia, nieznosny
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unbearable, I can't deny I've been a bit unbearable lately, this smell is unbearable
zawalic sie, zapaść się ugielam się,
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caved in, I caved, I caved and ate suger
po drodze, w trakcie, w międzyczasie
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along the way, we had a little trouble along the way
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entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship is essential for economic growth and job creation.
przedsiębiorca pogrzebowy
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miec lzy w oczach, łzawić, rozklejac sie, podrzec, niszczyć, rozwalając
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tear up, Jane tore up his letter, with eyes tearing up, it's hard to read the dital
wylanianie się, nadchodzacy (o czymś nieprzyjemnym), zbliża się, majaczenie,
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looming, another crisis is looming,
zmniejszać, obniżać, unieważniać,
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abate, some symptoms may abate over time, after so many years the sense of loss had not abated, she expected the pressure to abate, but it did not
przygnębiające, zniechęcające, deprymujące,
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disheartening, it's a little disheartening
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anticipating, we look ahead, anticipating and responding to change with agility
zwinność, elastyczność,
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agility, she moved with great agility for such old woman
zbierać żniwo, być tragicznym w skutkach, odcisnąć piętno,
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take a toll, take its toll, constant stress takes a heavy toll on People, that must take a toll on your marriage
znienawidzona rzecz, coś co bardzo wkurza,
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hate, pet hate, pet peeve, this book is my hate, I got it from my from my ex, my pet hate is people who... do you know what my biggest pet peeve is?,
przyjęcie, recepcja, odbiór,
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spełnić wymagania,
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meet the requirements/ meet the demands, our products should meet the demands of our customer,
spełniać warunki,
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meet the conditions, fulfil the conditions, satisfy the conditions, meet terms,
chwiejny, przekrzywiony,
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wonky, my lines are still a bit wonky
różne zdanie na temat, inne podejście,
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diffrent take on it, everyone has a diffrent take on it
dosadnie, ostentacyjnie, znacząco,
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pointedly, she is pointedly avoiding eye contact,
przytula Cie
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hugs your way
wywnioskować, wnioskować,
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infer, from what you say I infer that she is dead
nie ja to spowodowałem
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I didn't cause it
odnowić, przedłużyć, wznowić
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renew, they didn't want to renew our contact, to renew your subscription
odzyskać, powrocic
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regain, I have to regain control around food, I regained to the place where I was born, would you like to regain to your home town?
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trzęsienie ziemi
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mucha (owad)
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fly (insect)
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smakołyk, przyjemność, potraktować, leczyć, fundować, stawiać, zabezpieczać, poczęstunek, niespoodzianka
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treat, I gave myself a treat, they treated my words as a joke, treat sombody for cancer, I will treat you a drink, you should treat your floor with varnish, I prepared a treat for the guests, don't open your eyes - it's a treat
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moisture, humidity, damp, dampness, wetness,
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content, body, I'm trying to read more content on addiction to keep my focused, the content of this webside is inappropiate for children, the body of this dokument is highly confidential,
jestem bardziej jak, raczej
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I'm more of, I'm more of a drink then an eater, I'm more of a city girl,
sprawunki, polecenie,
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errands, could you run an errand for me? I have to run an urgent errand for her, I have to run shopping errands for him,
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poślizgnąć się
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slip, he could slip in the shower,
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slippery, snow makes the road more slippery
uczęszczać, uczestniczyć, być obecnym, towarzyszyć, opiekować sue
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attending, did you attended the lecture yesterday?, He doesn't attend school regularly, i can't conecto the party, I have to attend my baby
włuczyć się za kimś, dołączać, przyczepić się do kogos
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tag alone, do you mind if I tag alone?, Sally tags on you because she feels lonely, he tag alone me all day
zamknąć, zamknięty
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shut/ shut / shout, he lay down on his bed and shut his eys, I have to shut my company, it doesn't pay off any more, his eyes were shut and his breath was slow
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jasny, jaskrawy / zywy, słoneczny, pogodny, bystry, rozgarnięty, pogodny, promienny, swietlany
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bright, the light at the office were very bright, I like bright colours, bright day, my soon is only 5 but he is very bright, you are so bright today, you have a bright future ahead you
straszny, okropny,
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dreadful, I suspect you are about to commit a dreadful blunder, the true is he done dreadful things
cienki, delikatny, drobny
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fine, she has fine hair
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flat, the floor was perfectly flat
straszny, potworny, ogromny, horendalny
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horrendous, what happend to your brother was truly horrendous
skalisty, kamienny
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znakomity, wspaniały, pierwszorzedny
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superb, the weather on the Island was superb, his performens was superb
gruby, gesty, mocny, silny. tępy, ociężały umyslowo
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thick, this book is very thick, thick smoke filled the kitchen, he speaks with a thick Russian Accent,
ciasny, obcisły, fajny, stylowy, naciągnięty, naprężony,
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tight, these trousers are too tight, he had a tight outfit
wydzielać, tryskać, emanować
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exude, you supposed to exude confidence to clients
przejsc do rzeczy, do sedna
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cut to the chase, I don't have a lot of time, so let's cut to the chase
zakończyć pracę, na dziś koniec, na dziś wystarczy
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call it a day, well done guys, let's call it a day. Let's call it a day and have a drink
stchórzyc, wystraszyć się
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chicken out, I'll go ther with you but promise me you won't chicken out
nie w sosie, nie w humorze
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out of sorts, he is Little out of sorts today
oszukać, zwodzić, mamić, okłamać
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deceive, I was deceive by my friend. If my eyes don't deceive me, she is still hanging out with this guy, the look of the product deceived me
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równa się, wynosi
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równy, jednakowy. sprawiedliwy,
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equal, these matters are of equal importance. these pieces of cake ore equal
jasna cera
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fair complexion
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mieszkanie, ale też plaski,
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flat, flat shoes.
stała stawka
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flat rate
plan podróży, rzecz. przewodnik
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itinerary, this location wasn't in our itinerary, if you need more information, consult the itinerary
ostro, dotkliwie, wnikliwie, nieznośnie
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nalac, wlać,
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pour, do you want me to pour you some wine? shell i fill the glas to the top?
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up to date, is our meeting up to date?
nieaktualne, przeterminowane
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out of date, this meeting is out of date
Wprowadzam w błąd, mam nadzieję, że nie wprowadzam w błąd
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mislead, I hope I didn't mislead you
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byc pod wrazeniem, zaimponować
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imprest by, they were impressed by how well educated I was
sytości, nie mam uczucia sytości
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satiety, I have no feeling of satiety
załatwiać sprawunki
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run errands, sam is actually running errands,
przekraczać, przewyższać
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exceed, You exceed the speed limit, the weight of the meal should not exceed 50 grams, I'm convincend that she will exceed our expectations
deficyt, ma niedosłuch, przekroczenie niedoborów to plaga współczesnej Europy
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deficit, he has a hearing deficit, exceeding deficits are the plauge of modern Europe
nieostrożny, nieuważny, niedbaly
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careless, the boy was careless and crossed the street on a red light, it was a careless move,
bezczelny, zuchwaly, pyskaty
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cheeky, cheeky smile,
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conceited, I don't wont to sound conceited, he is quite the most conceited person I have ever met
uczony, badacz, erudyta, stypendysta,
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scholar, he was a great scholar, he is a scholar of history and culture
zapominalski, roztrzepany,
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nieuczciwy, nieszczery
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niegrzeczny, niesforny, nieposłuszny
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niesolidny, zawodny, niemiarodajny
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sociable, outgoing
surowy, wymagajacy, rygorystyczny, ścisły, dokładny
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strict, I'm on a strict diet, she gave us strict instruction
rozmowny, jest miłym typem osoby, ale niezbyt rozmowny
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talkative, he is a nice sort of person but not very talkative
próżny, zarozumiały, daremny
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vain, it was a vain hope, she's very vain about her look
po sprawdzeniu okazało się że
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on inquiry it was discovered that
Miałem poczucie całkowitej utraty nad tym kontroli,
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I had a sense of complete loss of control over it,
obojętny, mierny, marny
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indifferent to, I earned indifferent money and was treated badly, how can you be so indifferent to...
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kielki fasoli Mung
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mung bean sprouts
uporządkować na nowo, przestawić, zmienić,
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rearrange, the match has been rearranged for next Saturday, I see if I can rearrange my plans, I've rearranged my food plan
dostosowanie, modyfikacja, regulacja,
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adjustment, I have to make some minor adjustments in my paper, I was surprised with that adjustment of his behaviour,
kiedy tylko, ilekroć, kiedykolwiek, za każdym razem, w każdej chwili
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whenever, whenever I look at myself, I see a person who was not good enought, you can go whenever you feel like it, call me whenever you need, whenever did I say such thing?, whenever did you need help?
podekscytowany, bardzo szczęśliwy, zachwycony, wstrząsniety,
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thrilled, I was so thrilled when I received results of exam, she was thrilled to see you again, I'm so thrilled about going to mexico,
na tym etapie mojego zycia
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at this stage of my life
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enterprising, he must be a very enterprising young fellow
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division, we should put an end to this division into us and them, the division of work was unfair, i don't like such divisions, ther is division into four main types
zakończyć, ukrócić, położyć kres
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put an end, I'm glad that this practice will be put an end,
obowiązek, nieprzyjemna praca,
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chore, I have some chore to do around the house
zebrać mysli
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gather my thoughts, to collect my thoughts, she tried to collect her thoughts, I can't gather my thoughts, I can't keep a thought in my head for, like ten second, she was waiting for him to gather his thoughts, I need a break to get my thoughts together
rowniesnik, osoba rownozedna z kimś
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peer, he is under pressure from his peers,
przełom, punkt zwrotny,
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breakthrough, what you have done is a major breakthrough, the police made a breakthrough in the search for the thief, scientists are hoping to make a breakthrough in cancer research
Ankieta, sądarz, pomiar
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survey, the survey is completely anonymous, we're carring out a survey on people's attitudes to immingrants
pod względem, z punktu widzenia, w odniesieniu do, jeśli chodzi o
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in terms of, comparison in terms of effectiveness, he was thinking of her in terms of sensual pleasure, the forecasts for the coming years in terms of cancer incidience and mortality are not optymisic
śmiertelność, umieralność
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mortality, the mortality rate is constantly increasing because of the ongoing war
afiszować się, obnosic
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to flaunt, we said goodbye at the doors so not to flaunt our love, most of them prefer not to flaunt their wealth, she does not flaunt sexuality
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condescending, patronizing, I will overlook your condescending tone if... she is so condescending, no metter what the situation is, don't be so patronizing
przeoczyć, przymknąć na coś oko, wychodzić na..., pomijać, nie dostrzegać, nadzorować,
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overlook, you can't overlook anything when you're looking for the truth, this time I can overlook his bad behaviour, the window overlooks the sea, we must not overlook the metter of teaching tolerance,
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perpetrator, this is being pinned you while the real perpetrator gets away
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nie chce cie obciazac
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I don't want to burden you, I don't wont to burden you with my problems
wśród, pomiędzy, podczas, w atmosferze
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amid, this issue came up most recently amid a political crisis, I saw him sitting amid a group of other men, amid all of this he tried to continue life as normal,
uciekać, ludzie uciekają przed wojną. tym razem trudno będzie im uciec
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flee, people flee from war. it will be hard for them to flee this time
zaostrzyć, nasilać, pogarszać,
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exacerbate, they said that stress could exacerbate his condition, it will only exacerbate the problem, the crisis has exacerbate the gender inequalitive that alredy exist in employment
oczarowac, zaczarować, rzucić urok, zauroczyć,
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enchant, artists can use color to enchant the viewer, he is very enchanting,
Natychmiast, od razu, naraz
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At once, he changed his mind at once, we mast live at once
obecnie brak na stanie, wyprzedane
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out of stock, this item is out of stock,
wykluczone, poza dyskusja, nie wchodzi w grę
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out of question, he said it was out of the question,
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in all probability, in all probability she knew the way out of here
w międzyczasie
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In the meantime
Powszechnie wiadomo, wiedza powszechna
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common knowledge, all this is common knowledge and I need say no more
odsunąć się
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step aside, step away, get away, back away, move away, stend clear, step beck
wstawić się za, szepnąć dobre slowo
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put in a good word, If you were to put in a good word for me, that would help so much
zwykły, w zwyczaju, powszechny, przyjetu
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customary, this is her customary behaviour, It's customary to tip the waiter
zanurzyć, zaglebić
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immers, he wanted to immerse himself in local life, she immersed herself in the book, don't immerse detector in wather or other liquids
ująć to
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put it, put this, I don't know how to put it, how shell I put it?,
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znieść, cierpieć, wytrzymywać, tolerować, przetrwac
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endure, I endure a lot of pain during last year, ther was no way Jill could endure a life of that, I endure his behaviour just becouse he is my friend, no matter what happens, we will endure
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factor, many factors contributed to his decision, this situation requires a number of factors to be taken into account
wyleciało mi z glowy
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slipped my mind, flew out of my head
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thoughtful, caring
trudno to przewidzieć
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it's hard to predict it
być w stanie coś zrobić
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capable of, do you think you will be capable of persuading him?
łagodny, pobłażliwy, wyrozumialy
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lenient, the magistrate isn't going to be so lenient next time, I guess I am pretty lenient with you
Niemniej jednak, pomimo to, jednocześnie
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nevertheless, nevertheless that's what happend, I didn't tell him. Nevertheless, he found out somehaw.
prosperować, dobrze się rozwijac, pięknie rosnąć, kwitnąć,
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thrive, the plant you gave me is thriving, their company is thriving,
zapobiec, powstrzymać, uniemozliwic
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prevent, we've prevent a big disaster, they couldn't do anything to prevent the problem,
korzystny, przychylny, pomyślny,
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favourable, these are favorable factors for the development of tourism, silence provides favorable conditions for the thought process, the initial reactions to the album has been generally favorable
zapewniać, dostarczyć
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provide, tea and coffee will be provided, we provide food and a bed to sleep in
przechodzić, wymijać, wyprzedzać
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pass, he passed the library. I steped aside for her to pass, you can't pass throught the doors without passepred, we passed a car every 5 minutes or so.
podawać, przekazywać, przemijać, zdawać, uchwalić,
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pass, pass me the key, please. I can't come to your party- can you pass to John. The new act was passed yestarday
udawać głupiego, robić z siebie wariata,
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play a giddy goat / act the giddy goat, don't play the giddy goat, it won't help you.
możesz poświęcić mi chwilę?
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could you spare me a moment?
wziąć się w garść
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pull oneself together
murawa, terytorium, teren,
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turf, He's aggressively defending his turf
brawura, zuchwałość
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bravado, I have no patience for empty bravado
staranować, wbijać, uderzyć w coś, walić,
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ram, one day a tram rammed his car, you have to ram that tree if you want...
wycofać się
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withdraw from, I must withdraw from public life,
wycofać się, oddalić się,
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pull out of, when will our soldiers pull out of Afghanista?, they decided to pull out of the negotiations
wycofać się, porzucic coś,
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drop out of, he dropped out of politics to take care of his family, the team dropped out of the competition
cofnąć się, nie wtrącą się, dać spokój, wycofać się
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back off, let me be clear: beck off
odwołanie, wycofać
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recall, they had to recall all of the faulty parts
okablowanie, instalacja elektryczna, przewód, drut
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wiring, I have to break the wall to check the wiring
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flee, fled. this time it will be hard for them to flee. People flee from war.
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get out, we managed to get out.
wyrok sądu
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court judgment, court ruling, court verdict
chudy, cienki, rozrzedzony, waski
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jest okrągły
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is round, it's circular
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wylecieć z głowy
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slip my mind, go out of my mind, slip sambodys's memory, go clean out of sambodys mind, I'm sorry, it went clean out of my mind. It completely slipped my mind
barwnik, farbować,
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dye, how can I dye my hair red?, I dipped the materiał into the dye
stały, regularny, ciągły, jednostajny, miarowy, zrównoważony, opanowany
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steady, they are making steady progress. She's never had a steady boyfriend. she was tapping a steady rhythm. She's very steady person, she never gets angry
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penultimate, penult, next to last, second to last, secont last, last but one
poklucic się
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having a row, we were haveing a row when you rang
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znamie, piętno
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grzywka, frędzle
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pimple, zit, spot
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braid, plait, she wore her hair in plaits
pulchna, była pulchną kobietą
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plump, she was a plump woman
koński ogon, kucyk
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sterczące włosy, postawione na zel
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spiky hair
wytrzymać do końca,
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stick it out, I have to stick it out becouse of my family.
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stick out, I noticed some books sticking aut of his...
krępy, przysadzisty
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stocky, Jim was short and stocky man
ważny, znaczący, podstawowy, ĝłowny
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major, major issues were brought up during this meeting. lack of consistence is your major mistake.
drugorzedny, drobny, niewielki
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minor, he suggested two minor changes and approved the rest.
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szczęśliwy, szczęścia,
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fortunate, he was fortunate to have a sister like you
zwarty, zrzyty
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zwyczaj, tradycja, przyzwyczajenie
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custom, her custom of talking to herself worries me sometimes. it's our family custom to eat dinner together
ujmujący, urocze, mile
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endearing, this cat is endearing
uczuciowy, tkliwy, kochającą
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affectionate, she admits that she isn't an affectionate person. he was very affectionate.
a zatem, stąd, tak więc, w ten sposób, tym samym, dlatego
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thus, she had a baby and thus quit her job. he reduced his expenses thus saving some mony
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colaboration, he thanked his co-workers for a fruitful collaboration
owocny, mam nadzieję, że twój czas tutaj będzie owocny
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fruitful, i hope your time here is fruitful
pielęgnować, rozwijać, wspierać, brać na wychowanie
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foster, my parents never fostered my decision, he Fostered his niece after her paręns' death
usterka, zacinający się, nie działający tak jak powinien, te funkcje są wadliwe, zepsute
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glitchy, this app is glitchy, these features are glitchy,
wdrażanie, wejść na rynek, przedstawić,
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rollout of, the company is rollingour of new features of this product, the gavernmet plans to roll out it's new tax credit next year
porównywalny, porównaniu do
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compared, in comperison. It's nothing compared being responsible for a Child. she is so nice in comperison to her sister.
sprzeczka, kłócić się
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quarrel, in the end they quarreled badly. she was the cause of our first quarrel. ther was a violent quarrel between the two.
Jestem daleko w tyle, mam zaleglosci
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I'm way behind, I'm way behind on a bunch of stuff, that's a form of new technology where I'm way behind
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chleb zytni
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Rye bread
chleb przenny
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intermittent bread
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roll, he ate five rolls
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recharge. then it could recharge its own batteries
być przeciążony,
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be overloaded, you are overloaded with responsibilities. My Brother was getting overloaded with information.
gdyby nie przeszłe doświadczenie
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if it were not from past expierience
leki uspokajajace
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tranquillizes..., trenquillizing drug, ataractic drug... downers... sedative drugs... did you take your tranquilizers? all 2 victoms had downers in their system. she killed herself by using sedative drugs.
czuć się urażonym, gniewać, mieć pretensje,
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resent, she resented the fact that I got a better price for the some product. I am resent your being absence. he does not resent criticism.
bajka, historyjna,
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fairy tale, tale. I no longer believe in fairy tales
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hoof/ hoofs, hooves. ther were traces of Hooves on the graund.
ślady, znak, poszlaka,
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traces. strange that no traces were found.
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barefoot, in bare feet,
ostrożny, czujny
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wary. be wary of strangers. they are to wary to sign anything
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jaw, he almoust broken my jaw.
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gravel. maybe you got some gravel in your eye?
brud, nędza, ubóstwo,
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squalor. not everybody enjoy squalor the way you do. we need photos of sadness, squalor.
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to abide. you don't seem to abide such formalities. you get to make a rules, I get to abide.
drugorzedny, kiepski, drugiej kategorii
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second-rate, his last movie got bad reviews and was colled secend-rate.
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lumberjack, woodcutter
cienko, słabo, rzadko
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thinly, he said the force was spread far too thinly.
bruzdy nosowo- wargowe
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nasolabial folds
niewłaściwe obchodzenie sie, źle traktowanie
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mishandling, parts are damage because of mishandling... But mishandling conflict is even worse.
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shoot, shot, shot
badania naukowe
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dziób ptaka
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beak, bill,
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sincere, pleas accept our sincere thanks. my offer was sincere. it seems that you're not sincere
dziób samolotu, rakiety
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the nose of the plane
delikatnie mówiąc
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to put it mildly, it was difficult situation, to put it mildly.
charakterystyczne dla, osobliwy
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peculiar to. this odd custom is peculiar to the region
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junction, crossing, intersection, junc. turn right at the next junction.
słaby, cienki, nietrwały, mizerny
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flimsy, aren't you cold in that flimsy dress? I'm sick of his flimsy excuese for being late. we may have a contact but it's flimsy.
oddziaływać na siebie nawzajem nawiązywać wzajemne kontakty, współpracować, komunikować się
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interact, how will these two chemical substances interact? you should interact with police. I tried to interact with her but she's in a bad mood
dawniej, niegdyś, wcześniej, poprzednio,
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formerly, the building formerly housed an internet service provider. she was formerly married to a frind of mine.
wścibski, ingerencja,
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interfering. The interfering was too risky. My interfering aunt is always asking nosy questions
późniejsze, kolejny, dalsze, po
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subsequent, subsequent to, any subsequent changes must be approved. subsequent to his promotion Sam submitted his resignation.
skomleć, biadolić, jęczeć
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whine. he told him to stop whining and get on with it. The least he could do was not whine about the situation.
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conceited, big-headet
szczery, niepozorowany
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candid, sincere. be candid with yourself.
nieostrożny, nieuwazny, niedbaly,
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careless. The boy was careless and crossed the street on a red light. it was a careless move.
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tchórzu, zachowałeś się jak tchórz i uciekłeś.
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coward, you behaved like a coward and run away.
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lazy, idle.
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stingy, mean
uroczy, sprytny, cwany,
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cute. you very cute but you wan't fool me.
dwulicowy, nigdy nie czułem, że muszę kłamać lub działać w dwulicowy sposób.
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two-faced, duplicitous, I never felt I had to lie or act in a duplicitous manner.
sposób (np. zach.) maniera
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manner, thay should not treat the women in this manner. John responded in a very aggressiv manner to the accusation.
zamknięty w sobie
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introverted, withdrawn. he become more and more withdrawn
zdzwiniony, zaskoczony
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astonished. I'm as astonished as you are. it astonished me how long the drug took to use. this had astonished the lot of them to say the least.
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indignant... outraged... the man is indignant because he was deceived. I don't know whether to be delighted or outrange. this sytuation is outrageous
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porywający, ekscytujący, pobudzajacy
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rousing. it was rousing triumph of the will, the event was a rousing success. he interrupted a rousing discussion
okres wypowiedzenia,
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notice period, terms of notice, period of notice
cofać, wsteczny bieg,
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reverse. put the car into reverse gear to beck up. you have to reverse a little
przerażający, zatrważający, okropny,
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appalling, the conditions in prison were appallin. he sounded very cheerful despite the appalling injuries he had suffered, the weather yesterday was appalling.
uruchomić, wypuszczenie, lansowanie, wprowadzenie, początek, rozpocząć, motorowka, wystrzelenie, odpalenie
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launch, they annouced the launch of a new fragrance. could you help me launch it again? this foto is gonna launch your campaing. The Council approved the launch of... they need to get close to launch it at us.
uruchomienie, rozpoczęcie, odpalenie, wystrzelenie, wodować, mieć premiere
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launch. we will launch the rocket in 10 seconds. I tried to launch the appplication but... the boat was launched successfulli.
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namawiać, przekonać, perswadować
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persuade, the estate agent persuaded me to buy this flat
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urzędnik bankowy
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Bank clerk
urzędnik ds. pożyczek
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loan officer
kasjer, kasjer w banku
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cashier, bank teller, bank clerk
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carpenter, joiner
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przedstawiciel handlowy
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Sales Representative
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krawiec damski
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krawiec meski
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men's tailor
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jelita, jelito cienkie, jelito grube,
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intestines, small intestine, large intestine,
od pasa w dół
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from the waist down
siatkowka oka
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Informator, donosiciel, sygnalista
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whistleblower, we help you track down who killed Adam and find a new whistleblower
plemię, szczep, bractwo, banda,
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tribe, a tribe is a social Group of people who ... nomadic tribes live on the desert, he and his trible stole my car
czy to będzie Ci pasowało
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Will this suit you?
po wewnętrznej części uda
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on the inner part of the thigh
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mieć ochotę na cos, przewidywać sukces
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fancy. Do you fancy a cap of tea? I fancy our team win. which team do you fancy this time?
sądzić, przypuszczać, wyobrażać, wymyślę
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fancy. why do you fancy that they will visit us? I can't fancy any logical arguments. it can't be true, she fancied that story.
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coverage, some 34 million americans have no health coverage at all. The man who came had an intrest in fire coverage
relacja, sprawozdanie,
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coverage, CNN prepared the coverage of the presidential scandal. Do you thing that bbc is objective in their coverage?
mieć zastrzeżenia
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have reservations, a lot of people can have reservations about it.
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acceptance, social acceptance
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windowsill, he's sitting On the window sill smoking cigarette
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theft. larceny. larceny. stealing. robbery. theft is one of most abominable Crimes. he is responsible for a couple of thefts. he did file a robbery report a couple months back. he accused me of stealing the idea of him.
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insufficiency, failure. inefficiency. cause of death was organ failure due to unknown toxic substance. ther was a power failure in my flat last night. circulatory insufficiency. The financial inefficiency of a company.
opłata, czesne, honorarium
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a fee, the entrace fee is 2 €, there's a high membership fee in this golf club. we need to pay a lot in legal fee.
wydajność, efektywnosc, sprawczosc, skuteczność, produktywność
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efficiency. this results in improved efficiency and safety. I will monitor efficiency of investment.
nieskuteczność, niewydolności, nieudolność,
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inefficiency, many countries have major inefficiencies in their system.
stronniczość mediow
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media bias
temblak, ciskać, zawiesić,
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sling. she slung him the Keys.
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szukać, ubiegać się, dążyć do
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seek. I think she seeks cofrontation with me. Do you seek glory and money? James sought a promotion but he didn't get it. I'm seekingthe way to see him again.
rzucać, ciskać, romans
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