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Słownictwo na angola
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Słownictwo na Angoli
1. Attorney
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lawyer, especially one who can act for somebody in court
2. Barrister
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a lawyer in the UK who has the right to argue cases in the higher courts of law
3. Judge
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a person in a court who has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished or to make legal decisions
4. Paralegal
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a person who is trained to help a lawyer
5. Solicitor
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a lawyer who prepares legal documents, for example for the sale of land or buildings, advises people on legal matters, and can speak for them in some courts of law
6. expert witness
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biegły świadek Somebody with specialist knowledge concerning the topic that he is to testify about
7. training contract
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8. insolvency law – prawo zajmujące się niewypłacalnością
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8. Prawo upadłościowe – prawoe się niewypłacalności
9. chambers
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kancelarie adwokackie
10. drafting documents
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pisanie dokumentów
11. Attorney at law
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11. Radca prawny
12. Notary, whose job consists of mixture of civil law solicitor and notary public duties;
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12. Notariusz, którego praca polega na połączeniu obowiązków radcy prawnego i notariusza;
13. Bailiff
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a public officer whose main function is to execute court's decisions concerning civil claims.
14. corporate lawer – radca prawny firmy
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14. prawnik korporacyjny – radca prawny firmy
15. contract breach – naruszenie umowy
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15. naruszenie umowy – naruszenie umowy
16. intellectual property – własność intelektualna
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16. własność intelektualna – własność intelektualna
17. tenant and landlord – lokator/najemca/wynajmujący i właściciel/wynajmujący komuś mieszkanie
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17. najemca i wynajmujący – lokator/najemca/wynajmujący i właściciel/wynajmujący komuś mieszkanie
18. legal advice – porada prawna
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18. porada prawna – porada prawna
19. pleading – pismo procesowe
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19. błagalnie – pismo procesowe
20. right of audience – prawo głosu
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20. prawo słuchania – prawo głosu
21. venom
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The poisonous liquid that some snakes or spiders produce when they bite or sting you.
22. paternity suit
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A court case that is intended to prove who a child's father is, often in order to claim financial support from him
23. ambulance chaser
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(Informal & disapproving) a lawyer who tries to get work by persuading someone who has been in an accident to claim money from the person or company responsible for the accident
24. underhand
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Secret and dishonest
25. compensation culture
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A culture in which people are more than ready to go to court over even relatively small incidents in the hope of gaining compensation.
26. litigation
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The process of mahking or defending a claim in court; spór sądowy
27. to litigate
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procesować się
28. jargon
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Words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand
29. misery
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Great suffering of mind or body
30. CEO
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The person with the highest rank in a business company (chief executive officer).
31. money grabbing
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32. loophole – An opportunity to legally avoid an unpleasant responsibility, usually because of a mistake in the way rules or laws have been written
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32. Luka prawna
33. solo practice
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conducted by a sole practitioner
34. global firms
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employing hundreds of attorneys all over the world
35. A small law firm
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which typically engages from two
to ten lawyers, is sometimes known as a boutique firm, as it often specialises in a specific area of the law
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do dziesięciu prawników, bywa nazywana kancelarią butikową, gdyż często specjalizuje się w określonej dziedzinie prawa
36. a boutique firm
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36. firma butikowa
37. A mid - size firm
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has 10 to 50 lawyers
38. a large law firm
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is considered to be one employing 50 or more attorneys.
39. Public law (the ius publicum)
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39. Prawo publiczne
40. Private law (the ius privatum)
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40. Prawo prywatne (prawo prywatne)
41. Family law
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The branch of law relating to family matters and domestic relations. It deals with areas such as marriage and divorce, child custody, child/spousal abuse, adoption and alimony.
42. Comparative law
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(US: corporate or corporations law). An area of law which concerns the creation and regulation of businesses organized as companies or corporations. It also deals with topics such as shareholders, directors and management, responsibilities and mergers.
43. Jurisprudence
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The theory and philosophy of law; the consideration of themes such as natural law and theories of justice
44. Tort Law
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prawo deliktowe
45. Intellectual Property (IP) law
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A branch of law which deals with issues such as copyright, patents, trademarks and the registration, ownership and protection of intangible but potentially lucrative ideas
46. Criminal law
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Also known as penal law, this branch is distinguished from civil law. It relates to illegal acts committed against individuals and the state.
47. Comparative law
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The study of the differences and similarities between different legal systems (i.e. the law systems of different countries
48. Criminal procedure and criminl evidence
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prawo kryminalne i dowodowe
49. Labour law
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The area of law relating to the employment of workers. It encompasses issues such as contracts, conditions of work, trade unions, discrimination, redundancy and wrongful dismissal. This branch is sometimes called industrial law
50. Law of contract
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prawo kontraktowe
51. Company law
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prawo spółek
52. Constitutional law
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The study of the foundational laws that determine a state’s constitution. This branch of law deals with the legal relationships between the various bodies of a government and also their relationship with the individual
53. Graduated
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skończenie studiów
54. Degreee
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stopień, dyplom ukończenia studiów
55. branch/areas/fields/bodies of the law
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gałęzie prawa
56. legal practice – kancelaria prawnicza
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56. praktyka prawnicza – kancelaria prawnicza
57. Liable
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means legal responsibility
58. skyline
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linia horyzontu
59. Compact
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60. skyscrapers
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drapacz chmur
61. remote
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daleki, odległy
62. deprived – pozbawiony, wyzuty
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62. pozbawiony – bez znieksztalconych, wyzuty
63. residential
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64. shanty towns
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dzielnica slumsów
65. sprawling
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66. Accomplice
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66. wspólnik
67. Confederate
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67. Konfederaci
68. shop assistant
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68. sprzedawca
69. supporter
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69. zwolennik
70. Bail
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70. kaucja
71. pole
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71. słup
72. deposit
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72. depozyt
73. a sum of money
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73. suma pieniędzy
74. Conviction
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74. Przekonanie
75. acquittal
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75. uniewinnienie
76. sentence
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76. zdanie
77. final judgment of guilty
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77. prawomocny wyrok winny
78. Custody
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areszt śledczy, opieka nad dziećmi, kuratela
79. Protection
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80. Apprehension
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81. Detention
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pozbawienie wolności
82. Dabs
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odciski palców
83. Fingerprints
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odciski palców
84. traits
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cecha charakteru
85. Forensic
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śledczy sądowy, kryminalistyczny
86. Scientific tests
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testy naukowe
87. Technology
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88. foreigners
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89. Suspect
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90. Defendant
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pozwany, oskarżony
91. Claimant
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ubiegający się o, roszczący sobie prawo
92. Accused
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93. Terminate
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kończyć, przerywać (trwanie czegoś)
94. finish
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95. Instigate
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przystąpić, wszcząć, namówić
96. End
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97. Armed robbery – napad z bronią w ręku
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97. Napad z bronią w ręku – napad z bronią w napoje
98. Arson – podpalenie
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98. Podpalenie – podpalenie
99. Battery
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100. Bribery
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101. Burglary
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102. Domestic violence – przemoc domowa
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102. Przemoc domowa – przemoc domowa
103. Drug trafficking – handel narkotykami
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103. Handel narkotykami – handel narkotykami
104. Drunk driving
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prowadzenie pod wpływem alkoholu
105. Embezzlement – defraudacja
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105. Malwersacja – defraudacja
106. Extortion – wymuszenie
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106. Wymuszenie – wymuszenie
107. Forgery
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108. Fraud – oszustwo
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108. Oszustwo – oszustwo
109. Homicide
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110. Insider dealing – nielegalne transakcje poufnymi informacjami
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110. Insider handlowa – płatki sprzeczne poufnymi
111. Joyriding
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jeździć kradzionym autem
112. Larceny
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114. Tax evasion – uchylanie się od płacenia podatków
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114. Uchylanie się od płacenia podatków
116. Vandalism
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