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targować się (to try to make someone agree to something better for you)
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bargain (to try to make someone agree to something better for you)
dowiadywać się (to ask someone for information about something)
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obniżka (a reduction in the amount or degree of something)
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abatement (a reduction in the amount or degree of something)
ograniczenie, skrępowanie (something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits)
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(The difference between our legal systems, including their procedures, is clearly still a constraint.) (The constraints of politeness wouldn't allow her to say what she really thought about his cooking.)
twierdzenie (np. w matematyce) ((especially in mathematics) a formal statement that can be shown to be true by logic:)
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płytki, powierzchowny, zbyt łatwy (A facile remark or theory is too simple and has not been thought about enough:)
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facile (We must avoid facile recriminations about who was to blame.)

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