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 0    5 fiche    kamilpudelski
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What is the best room you’ve ever slept in? Why?
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The best room i've ever slept in was in Zamość at my uncle's house. The room had a big water bed, and a separate bathroom with a jacuzzi.
How important is the right bed for a good night’s sleep? Why do you say that?
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think the right bed is very important because if you wake up with a sore back you start the day in a bad mood.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of renting a fl at rather than owning your own?
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I think that the advantage of renting an apartment is that it gives you the freedom to change your place of residence at any time. The disadvantage is that you need a permit from the owner if u want to change something in the flat...
Would you prefer to stay with your parents while at university or rent a fl at on your own?
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For sure I would prefer to rent a flat on my own than stay with my parents because my family house would be far away from university.
If you wanted to rent a fl at to share it with another person, what qualities would you want your fl atmate to have?
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I think this person should be sociable and tidy.

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