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 0    36 fiche    joannaasia16
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question réponse
moje imię to
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my name is
on jest
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he is
ona jest piękna
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she is beautiful
on jest z Brazyli
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he is from Brazil
to jest laptop
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this is a laptop
oni są w Nowym Jorku
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they are in New York
on jest żonaty
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he is married
one są zamężni
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they are married
jak masz na imię?
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what's your name?
jak jemu naimie
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what's his name
jak tobie naimie
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what will my name be
ile masz lat?
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how old are you?
ile on ma lat
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how old is he
ile ona ma lat
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how old is she
to jest Bruno
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this is Bruno
ona ma na imie
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her name is
on ma na imie
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his name is
mam 57 lat
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I am 57 years old
ona ma 76 lat
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she is 76 years old
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commencer à apprendre
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to jest
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ona jest architektem
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she is an architect
gdie jest szpital
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where is the hospital
skąd pochodzisz?
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where are you from
sądze że ma 26 lat
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I think he is 26 years old
sądze że ma około36 lat
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I think he's about 36 years old
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a thousand
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a hundred
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jak to jest po angielsku?
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How's it in English?
co to jest po angielsku
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what is this in english

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