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question English réponse English
Chief Executive Officer
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one at the highest-ranking corporate officers, reporting to the Board of Directors
Customer Service Manager
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person responsible for relationships with customers
Export Manager
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person responsible for markets in other countries
Finance Director
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person responsible for presentation and control of profit and loss
Human Resources Director
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manager responsible for personel issues
Information Systems Director
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person who designs computer networks
Managing Director
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an equivalent of a chief executive, or the head of a major business unit
Marketing Director
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person responsible for managing product development, promotion, customer service and sellings
Production Director
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manager responsible for the process of creating goods or services for sale to customers
Purchasing Director
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manager responsible for buying
Staff Development Officer
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person responsible for computer operations in a company
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arranges artwork
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promotes products or services
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maintains the company's computer system
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makes products
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deals with the company's accounts
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buys products or services for the company
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sells to customers
Human Resources
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hires new employees and organizes training
Research & Development
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invents and develops new products

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