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 0    6 fiche    patrycjabulgajewska
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question English réponse English
get a move on
commencer à apprendre
hurry, be quick
rusz się
We need to get a move on if we're gonna catch that train.
take it in turns
commencer à apprendre
to do or use something one after another in order to share the responibility or opportunity of doing or using it
na zmianę
We take it in turns cooking / to cook, me and my boyfriend.
commencer à apprendre
without looking it up or asking someone
od ręki, na poczekaniu, natychmiast
I can't answer the question off-hand. I have to check.
a short cut
commencer à apprendre
a quick way
I know a short cut to town.
small talk
commencer à apprendre
social talk, not about serious things
I always make small talk if I make a cup of coffe.
make it
commencer à apprendre
I can't go to the party on Saturday, because I have to work.

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