Jest zarozumiały i arogancki. commencer à apprendre
He is conceited and arrogant.
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I was indignant at the way she spoke to me
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I was really distraught when she said that. She's forever hurting my feelings
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Her grief at her son's death was terrible
bardzo smutny lub rozczarowany commencer à apprendre
gutted (extremely sad or disappointed)
very attractive or noticeable: commencer à apprendre
extremely surprising, because of being great in amount commencer à apprendre
Despite taking an eyewatering pay cut, he has no regrets about his career change.
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atak (potężny atak), nawala commencer à apprendre
onslaught (powerful attack)
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Turkey hit back at the Greek accusations
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Long standing feud with your broder
nakaz lub postanowienie sądu commencer à apprendre
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