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To pass someone by flying
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fly by
Ethel screamed as a bird flew right by her head and startled her.
come open suddenly
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fly open
the doors flew open in the strong gust
to attack another person or animal suddenly:
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fly at sb sth
He flew at his brother like a crazy person.
said to introduce a list of things:
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as follows
The winners are as follows - Woods, Smith, and Cassidy.
leave a place in order to go somewhere else.
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get going
it's been wonderful seeing you again, but I think it's time we got going
to make progress toward a goal:
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get somewhere
We got delayed by all the legal hurdles, but now we're finally getting somewhere with the construction. So it was your wife who signed the contract on your behalf? OK, now we're getting somewhere
to begin doing sth
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get doing something
We got talking about the old days. I think we should get going quite soon. What are we all waiting for? Let’s get moving!
to not have enough to eat
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go hungry
Thousands of families go hungry every day.
to not have something that you usually have
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go without
I like to give the children what they want even if I have to go without. It is possible to go without food for a few days.

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