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przeciwutleniacz, antyoksydant
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sztuczne naczynia krwionośne
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Blood vessel- naczynie krwionośne commencer à apprendre
Blood vessel - blood vessel
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breathalyzers - breathalyzers
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continuous stirred tank bioreactor commencer à apprendre
bioreaktor zbiornikowy z ciągłym mieszaniem
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extracellularly - zewnątrzkomórkowo commencer à apprendre
extracellularly - extracellularly
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Frame dentures- protezy szkieletowe commencer à apprendre
Frame dentures - skeletal prostheses
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akumulatory o dużej pojemności
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Hydroxyapatite- hydroksyapatyt commencer à apprendre
Immune system- system immunologiczny commencer à apprendre
Immune system - the immune system
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non-renewable energy sources commencer à apprendre
nieodnawialne źródła energii
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bioreaktory z wypełnieniem
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przenośne stacje do ładowanie
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rate of chemical reaction commencer à apprendre
szybkość reakcji chemicznej
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odnawialne źrodła energii
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Solid foams - solid foams
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reaktor zbiornikowy z mieszadłem
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stuffed remains- wypchane szczątki commencer à apprendre
stuffed remains - stuffed remains
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Tissue implants- implanty tkankowe commencer à apprendre
Tissue implants - tissue implants
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Udder- wymie, gruczoł mlekowy commencer à apprendre
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unicellular/multicellular commencer à apprendre
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pojemność wodna (zdolność zatrzymywania wody)
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Process vessel- naczynie procesowe commencer à apprendre
Process vessel - process vessel
Energy input- wkład energii commencer à apprendre
Energy input - energy input
frictional pressure- ciśnienie tarcia commencer à apprendre
frictional pressure - friction pressure
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The orifice plate- płytka kryzy commencer à apprendre
The orifice plate- shallow orifice
Agitation-ruch, roztrząsanie commencer à apprendre
Agitation-movement, dithering
Chemical reaction-reakcja chemiczna commencer à apprendre
Chemical reaction - chemical reaction
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Pipes and tubes-rury i przewody commencer à apprendre
Pipes and tubes - pipes and pipes
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Transient state-stan nieustalony commencer à apprendre
Transient state-transient state
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Stirred-tank-zbiornik z mieszadłem commencer à apprendre
Stirred-tank-tank with agitator
plug-flow-przepływ tłokowy commencer à apprendre
residence time-czas przebywania commencer à apprendre
residence time-residence time
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concentrations of chemical species- stężenia związków chemicznych commencer à apprendre
concentrations of chemical species - concentrations of chemical compounds
heat transfer coefficient- współczynnik przenikania ciepła commencer à apprendre
heat transfer coefficient - heat transfer coefficient
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pumped through-pompowane przez commencer à apprendre
nutrient in-składnik odżywczy commencer à apprendre
exhaust outlet-wylot spalin commencer à apprendre
exhaust outlet - exhaust outlet
cooling water out/ in-woda chłodząca wychodząca/wchodząca commencer à apprendre
cooling water out / in-cooling water outgoing / entering
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stirring paddles-łopatki mieszadła commencer à apprendre
stirring paddles-agitator blades
stainless steel-stal nierdzewna commencer à apprendre
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outlet for product-wylot produktu commencer à apprendre
outlet for product-product outlet
crystallization-krystalizacja commencer à apprendre
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dissolution-rozpuszczanie commencer à apprendre
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versatility-wszechstronność/uniwersalność commencer à apprendre
Versatility-flexibility / versatility
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cover of reactor-pokrywa reaktora commencer à apprendre
cover of reactor-reactor cover
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level gauge-wskaźnik poziomu commencer à apprendre
level gauge-level indicator
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vent system-system wentylacylny commencer à apprendre
vent system - ventilation system
electronic valve control-elektryczna kontrola zaworu commencer à apprendre
electronic valve control - electric valve control
floor level-poziom podłogi commencer à apprendre
floor level - floor level
products overflow from reactor-przepełnienie produktów z reaktora commencer à apprendre
products overflow from reactor-overflow of reactor products
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mixed product-mieszany produkt commencer à apprendre
mixed product-mixed product
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volumetric flow-przepływ objętościowy commencer à apprendre
volumetric flow-volume flow
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reaction rate-szybkość reakcji commencer à apprendre
reaction rate - reaction speed
Infinite numer-nieskończony numer commencer à apprendre
Infinite number-infinite number
Cosidered volid-uważany za ważny commencer à apprendre
Cosidered volid-considered important
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Axial mixing-mieszanie osiowe commencer à apprendre
Axial mixing-axial mixing
Reversible reaction-reakcja odwracalna commencer à apprendre
Reversible reaction - reversible reaction
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