Moja lekcja 1

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question réponse
łut szczęścia
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stroke of luck
szczypta soli
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pinch of salt
Powiew świeżego powietrza
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breath of fresh air
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plot of land
odrobina snu
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wink of sleep
łut szczęścia
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stroke of luck
zaklęcie ciepłe
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spell of warm
powiew czosnku
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whiff of garlic
odcinek autostrady
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strech of motorway
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clap of thunder
ślad kłopotów
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hint of trouble
atak nerwowy
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attack of nerves
podmuch wiatru
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gust of wind
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speck of dust
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flash of lightning
pasmo włosów
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shock of hair
motyle w brzuchu
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butterflies in stomach
czuć pismo nosem
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smell a rat
zachować powagę
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keep a straight face
trzymać język za zębami
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hold my tongue
kłamstwo out-and-out
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an out-and-out lie
w prawo, jak deszcz
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as right as rain
w dół do kanalizacji
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down to drain
z miejsca się zaprzyjaźnić
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get on like a house on fire
wygadać się
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let the cat out of the bag
pig-headed (nieformalne)
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pig-headed (informal)
Zepsute z czymś
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cheesed off with something
za zamkniętymi drzwiami
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behind closed doors
robic sobie jaja
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pulling my leg
jasne jak slońce
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right as rain
nie skrzywdziłby muchy
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he wouldn’t say boo to a goose
najniższe płace
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rock bottom wages
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zawężenia / zmniejszyć liczbę możliwości
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narrow down / reduce the number of possibilities
„...” „...”
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air quotes
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Temperatura topnienia
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melting point
gruda ziemi
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clod of earth
kępa trawy
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clump of grass
odłamek szkła
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sliver of glass
cząstka pomarańczy, cytryny
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segment of orange, lemon

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