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Jak dobrze wiesz. Przykro mi, commencer à apprendre
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nocleg ze śniadaniem i obiadokolacją commencer à apprendre
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I think I need to change the criteria or I'll be looking for a wife forever
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If you want to abandon this project now you'll have to start from the beginning.
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I would like people to care more about the environment
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Don't give up on your dreams
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Texting is a convenient way of communication
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He lost to his opponent in the third round
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doprowadza mnie do szaleństwa commencer à apprendre
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You lose to him every time you to bet on something.
zmień temat, daj sobie sobie z tym spokój commencer à apprendre
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wasching -up liquid, dish soap
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I'm sick of this advertisement in television
Muszę teraz dobrze o siebie zadbać. commencer à apprendre
l must take good care of myself now.
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