Module 8 - Grammar

 0    31 fiche    marcinpawlowski
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question réponse
zgadzać się
'Yes, I'll meet you after dinner.'
commencer à apprendre
agree to sth
He agreed to meet me after dinner.
domagać się zrobić czegoś
'I want to speak to you now!'
commencer à apprendre
to demand to do sth
He demanded to speak to me immalediately.
'Would you like me to showel the snow?'
commencer à apprendre
to offer to do sth
He offered to showel the snow.
'I'll help at the shelter.'
commencer à apprendre
to promise to do sth
He promised to help at the shelter.
'No, I won't leave my house'
commencer à apprendre
to refuse to do sth
He refused to leave his house.
'Stop screaming or I'll punish you.'
commencer à apprendre
to threaten to do sth
He threatened to punish him if he didn't stop screaming.
twierdzić, utrzymywać
'I saw the tornado rip through the city.'
commencer à apprendre
to claim to do sth
He claimed to have seen the tornado rip through the city.
doradzić komuś
'You should put on some sunscreen'
commencer à apprendre
advise sb to do sth
He advised me to put on some sunscreen
pozwolić komuś
'You can go to the park.'
commencer à apprendre
allow sb to do sth
He allowed me to go to the park.
poprosić kogoś
'Plesse, turn off all electrical appliances.'
commencer à apprendre
ask sb to do sth
He asked us to turn off all electrical appliances.
błagać kogoś
'Please, please, give me some water.'
commencer à apprendre
beg sb to do sth
He begged to give him some water.
rozkazać komuś
'Get under your desks!'
commencer à apprendre
command sb to do sth
He commanded us to get under our desks.
przekonywać kogoś
'Go on, try it.'
commencer à apprendre
encourage sb to do sth
He encouraged me to try it.
zakazywać komuś
'You musn't eat in the class.'
commencer à apprendre
forbid sb to do sth
He forbade me to eat in the class.
poinstruować kogoś
'Remove your shoes.'
commencer à apprendre
instruct sb to do sth
He instructed me to remove my shoes.
zaprosić kogoś
'Would you like to go on a tour with us?'
commencer à apprendre
invite sb to do sth
He invited me to go on a tour with them.
rozkazać komuś
'Be quiet!'
commencer à apprendre
order sb to do sth
He ordered me to be quiet.
pozwolić komuś
'You may leave early.'
commencer à apprendre
permit/allow sb to do sth
He allowed me to leave early.
przypomnieć komuś
'Don't forget to turn off the heater.'
commencer à apprendre
to remind sb to do sth
He reminded me to turn off the heater.
popędzać kogoś
'Drive carefully.'
commencer à apprendre
urge sb to do sth
He urged me to drive carefully.
ostrzegać kogoś
'Don't sit in the sun too long.'
commencer à apprendre
warn sb not to do sth
He warned me not to sit in the sun too long.
chcieć żeby ktoś coś zrobił
'I'd like you to take a first-aid course.'
commencer à apprendre
want sb to do sth
He wanted me to take a first-aid course.
oskarżyć kogoś o coś
'You lied to me!' (past inf form)
commencer à apprendre
accuse sb of sth
He accused me of having lied to him.
przeprosić za coś
'I'm sorry I lost my temper.'
commencer à apprendre
to apologize for sth
He apologised for having lost his temper.
przyznać coś
'Yes, I lost the keys.'
commencer à apprendre
admit (to) sth
He admitted to having lost the keys.
chwalić się czymś
'I'm more popular than you.'
commencer à apprendre
boast about sth
He boasted about being more popular than us.
narzekać na coś
'You never help out.'
commencer à apprendre
complain to sb about sth
He complained to me about my never helping out.
'No, I didn't meet Ann that night.'
commencer à apprendre
to deny sth
He denied having met Ann that night.
nalegać na coś
'You must evacuate the building now.'
commencer à apprendre
insist on sth
He insisted on our evacuating the building immediately.
'You should wear an anorak.'
'Let's take a break.'
commencer à apprendre
suggest + ing / suggest that
He suggested that I wear an anorak.
He suggested taking a break.
wyjaśnić komuś jak
'This is how you turn off the alarm system.'
commencer à apprendre
explain to sb how to do sth
He explained to me how to turn off the alarm system.

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