question | réponse | |||
Ascending aorta (arch of aorta)
Medial pterygoid plate
Quadrangular membrane of larynx
Left or right suprapleural membrane
Mucosa of larynx
Mucosa of trachea
Thyrohyoid membrane
Inferior border of right or left lung
Anterior border of Right or left lung
Right or left arytenoid cartilage of larynx
Cricoid cartilage of larynx
Thyroid cartilage of larynx
Tracheal cartilage
Membranous part of nasal septum
Cartilaginous part of nasal septum
Bony part of nasal septum
Right or left vertebral part of costal surface of lung
Mediastinal surface of right or left lung
Left or right fovea epiglottic
Right or left vocal fold
Right or left lateral glosso-epiglottic fold
Median glosso-epiglottic fold
Interarytenoid fold
Right or left ary-epiglottic fold
Right or left vestibular fold
Left/right salpingopharyngeal fold
Agger nasi
Dorsum of nose
Epiglottic tubercle
Superior or inferior thyroid tubercle
Pleural cavity left or right
Infraglottic cavity of larynx
Intermediate cavity of larynx
Lingula of left lung
Right or left laryngeal ventricle
Tip of nose
Root of right or left lung
Left/right oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Left/right mesopneumonium
Left or right infundibulum ethmoidale
Arch/lamina of cricoid cartilage
Palatopharyngeal arch left or right
Palotoglossal arch left or right
Arch of azygos vein
Left/right inferior/middle/superior nasal concha
Bronchoesophageal muscle
Tracheal muscle
Pharyngeal tonsil
Lingual tonsil
Root of nose
Left/right vagus nerve
Left or right inferior leryngeal nerve
Left or right superior laryngeal nerve
Left or right recurrent laryngeal nerve
Left/right phrenic nerve
Right or left naris /nostril/
Right or left visceral pleura
Left or right diaphragmatic pleura
Left/right mediastinal pleura
Left or right pleura
Left or right cervical pleura (dome of pleura)
Right or left main bronchus
Left inferior lobar bronchus
Right inferior lobar bronchus
Left superior lobar bronchus
Right superior lobar bronchus
Right middle lobar bronchus
Carina of trachea
Brachiocephalic trunk
Left/right sympathetic trunk
Superior lobe and inferior lobe of left lung
środkowy i dolny płuca prawego middle lobe and inferior lobe of right lung
Right/left lamina of thyroid cartilage
Interlobar surface of right or left lung
Diaphragmatic surface of right or left lung
Left or right base of lung
Costal surface of left or right lung
Left or right endothoracic fascia
Left/right limen nasi
Laryngeal vestibule
Right or left nasal vestibule
Atrium of middle nasal meatus left/right
Nasal septum
Nosopharyngeal meatus left/right
Left/right inferior nasal meatus
Left/right superior nasal meatus
Left/right middle nasal meatus
Left/right common nasal meatus
Thoracic duct
Ethmoidal bulla left/right
Tracheal bifurcation
Left/right semilunar hiatus
Right or left ala of nose
Cardiac plexus
Conus elasticus of larynx
Horizontal fissure of right lung
Right or left oblique fissure of lung
Right or left apex of lung
Membranous wall of trachea
Left/right ascending pharyngeal artery
Left/right superior laryngeal artery
Left or right posterior intercostal arteries
Left/right pulmonary artery
Left or right subclavian artery
Left or right common carotid artery
Left/right inferior thyroid artery
Left/right superior thyroid artery
Triangle of pericarium
Anterior or posterior trigangle of trachea
Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube left/right
Left/right torus levatorius
Torus tubarius left/right
Left or right vocal fold
Superior/inferior thyroid noth
Right or left bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
Tracheal lymph nodes
Hyoepiglottic ligament
Left/right vertebropleural ligament
Annular ligamentsof trachea
Cricothyroid ligament
Cricotracheal ligament
Left or right pulmonary ligament
Left or right lateral thyrohyoid ligament
Median hyothyroid ligament
Left/right costopleural ligament
Right or left hilum of lung
Impressions/grooves on the mediastinal surface of the left lung: cardiac impression/groove for the esophagus/groove for the arch of the aorta/groove for the descending aorta/groove for the left subclavian artery
Impressions/grooves on the mediastinal surface of the right lung: cardiac impression/superior vena cava/azygos vein/esophagus/inferior vena cava/right brachiocephalic vein/right subclavian artery
Laryngeal prominence of thyroid cartilage
Right or left piriform recess
Left/right spheno-ethmoidal recess
Left/right phrenicomediastinal recess
Left or right costodiaphragmatic recess
Anterior/posterior left/right costomediastinal recess
Left/right frontal/maxillary sinus
Sphenoidal sinus
Right or left inferior pulmonary vein
Superior/inferior vena cava
Azygos vein
Hemiazygos vein
Accesory hemiazygos vein
Superior/inferior left/right pulmonary vein
Left or right brachiocephalic vein
Left or right vaginal process of sphenoid bone
Anterior or posterior ethmoidal cells
Right/left palatine/tubal tonsil