ML_ele_Introducing people

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advertising departmet
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dział reklamy
an intern
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Human Resources
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Zasoby ludzkie
Public Relations
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Public Relations
introduce someone
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przedstawic kogos
Let me introduce you to my colleague.
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Pozwól, że przedstawię cię mojemu koledze.
Where are you from?
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Skąd jesteś?
What's the weather like today?
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Jaka jest dziś pogoda?
Where are you staying?
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Gdzie się zatrzymujesz?
What's your hotel like?
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Jaki jest Twój hotel?
Would you like a drink?
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Czy chciałbyś coś do picia?
How about a cup of coffee?
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Co powiesz na filiżankę kawy?
It's windy.
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Jest wietrznie.
It's cloudy.
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Jest pochmurnie.
It is sunny.
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Jest słonecznie.
I'm here on business.
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Jestem tu w interesach.
Good to see you again.
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Dobrze cię znowu widzieć.
See you later.
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Do zobaczenia później.
Have a good day.
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Miłego dnia.
The same to you.
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I'm staying at Holiday Inn Hotel.
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Zatrzymuję się w hotelu Holiday Inn.
I'm from Poland.
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Ja jestem z Polski.

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