Mix do nauki na ten tydzień

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nieciekawy, nudny
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My life is dull. I need to chance something. dull knife; dull pain
tępy nóż
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blunt knife
This knife needs to be sharpened. It's blunt.
szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia
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quick recovery
nieprzyjemny, niemiły
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unpleasant, unpleasant
This behavior was unpleasant.
napięty harmonogram
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tight schedule
We have to postpone this because of my tight schedule.
ciasne zakamarki
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tight spaces
narrow street and cablstone
przy zdrowych zmysłach
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My working out keeps me sane.
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The cause of his death remains unknown.
przyczna i powód
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couse and reason
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Can you stand still? He stood absolutely still.
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She has smooth skin. Smooth shave.
płynna wymowa
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fluent pronunciation
zmęczony, zmęczony
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weary, tired
I feel weary after the night shift.
głośno, głośno
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loud, noisy
wyjątkowe, oszałamiające
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unique, stunning
It was unique place with stunning views of the city.
Zorza polarna
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Northern Lights

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