Milena 5th Sept

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question réponse
Przepraszam za spóźnienie.
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I'm sorry I'm late. / I'm sorry for being late.
Nie ma sprawy./ Żaden problem.
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That's all right. / No problem at all.
dziadkowie (babcia i dziadek)
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a birthday
When is your birthday?
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to eat - ate - eaten
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to drink - drank - drunk
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to sleep - slept - slept
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to write - wrote - written
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to go - went - gone
Poszłam do babci.
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I went to my granny's.
to my friend's / to my cousin's / to my neighbour's / to my grandparents'/ to my friends' / to Tomek's
dyrektor szkoły
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a headteacher / a principal
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to give - gave - given
wygłaszać przemówienie
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to give a speech
Nasz dyrektor wygłosił przemówienie.
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Our headteacher gave a speech.
wychowawca klasy
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a class teacher
koledzy z klasy
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apel (np. w szkole)
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an assembly
O której godzinie wróciłeś do domu?
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What time did you get BACK home?
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to get - got - got
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a grandmother / a grandma / a granny

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