Milena 21st Sept

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question réponse
jeszcze nie
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not yet
nie dokładnie
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not exactly
zostać (np. w domu)
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to stay - stayed - stayed
Czy zostałeś w domu w miniony weekend?
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Did you stay at home last weekend?
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an exception
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to count
np. / na przykład
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e.g. / for example
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Ile masz czasu?
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How much time do you have?
Ile miałeś czasu?
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How much time did you have?
Ile masz pieniędzy?
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How much money do you have?
Ile mąki potrzebujesz?
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How much flour do you need?
dodać coś do czegoś
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to add sth to sth
I added three eggs.
Ile mąki dodałeś?
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How much flour did you add?
Zjadła za dużo bananów i dlatego boli ją brzuch.
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She ate too many bananas and that's why she a stomach ache.
czas wolny
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free time / spare time
Co robisz w wolnym czasie?
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What do you do in your free time / spare time?
Ile kosztuje ten rower?
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How much is this bike? / How much DOES this bike cost?
Ile kosztował ten rower?
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How much WAS this bike? / How much DID this bike cost?
Ile zapłaciłeś za ten rower?
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How much did you pay for this bike?
Zapłaciłem dużo pieniędzy.
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I paid a lot of money.
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Czy twoje łóżko jest wygodne?
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Is your bed comfortable?
Moje buty są niewygodne.
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My shoes are uncomfortable.
korki / buty do gry w piłkę nożną
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football boots

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